This is only an estimate of the number of enemy casualties, because it is difficult to count enemy casualties on the battlefield, so it is much more accurate to say that the number of casualties in the third town itself is probably the same.

Fang Biyong continued, "Our army has been fighting for more than a month since it entered the country. At present, a total of 220 people have been killed and 170 injured!"
Zhao Dongyun listened to this casualty figure and secretly estimated the casualty contrast in his heart. He felt that this data was relatively objective, and the sixth town across the street relied on fortifications for defense, but his casualty rate was still smaller than that of the other party. This means that the troops did not attack blindly at the grassroots level, but gave full play to tactics such as mortars and circuitous maneuvers.
Of course, this is also related to the low casualty rate of Beiyang troops. Although the sixth town only lost more than 1,000 casualties, it retreated, but the total number of people in the sixth town was only 12,300. Even if some temporary recruits were strengthened, the number of soldiers would not exceed 15,000. Now the casualty ratio has exceeded 10%.
And this casualty ratio is quite good for an army that relies on personal loyalty and reimbursement to maintain modernization!
Chapter two hundred and one Drastic changes
The contemporary Beiyang Army, whether it is a few towns in Yunshou, Zhao Dong or other people’s troops, is almost loyal to the modernization of military leaders. The feudal army is armed with the beliefs of countries and nations in western powers, and the modernization of the national army is on a par with France.
This gap can not be changed by Zhao Dongyun personally, but is the limitation of contemporary China.
Zhao Dong’s standing army is stronger than other warlords. It’s not a military belief or ideology. What’s stronger is the concept of equipment and tactics.
Even Zhao Dongyun’s troops will not be much better than the sixth town in Wang Shizhen when the casualty rate exceeds 10%.
But Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops cause so many casualties!
This month’s general assault only killed nearly a thousand people, more than 20 thousand people, and the casualty rate is only 5%, which Zhao Dongyun can afford.
"Well casualties troops complement can be smooth? When will it be completed? " Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops fight less and less. At the same time, many conscripts in the rear are also recruiting. Several boot camps are also nervously training new recruits!
PricewaterhouseCoopers "I have urged Jinzhou, but recently a batch of recruits will have to wait two days to arrive!" Most of the former soldiers have been added to two mixed associations! "
Zhao Dongyun listened and frowned. "The speed of recruitment is still far from enough for Wang Zhanyuan to continue to expand the scale of recruitment. It is not only the recruitment of soldiers in Fengtian Province, Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Mongolia, but also the recruitment of soldiers. In addition, we will control the eastern part of Zhili and also show corresponding recruiters!"
It’s a time of war, and the more troops there are, the better. It’s better to say that we can’t afford to keep so many troops. Anyway, the more troops we have now, the better.
However, it is still quite tense at present, because the training of recruits is also needed, even when it is recompressed, it takes less than one month. If this situation is less, Zhao Dongyun can’t expect many recruits to supplement him for a month or two.
If all goes well, the timetable for the expansion of Zhao Dong Yunshou Army will be one month later. At that time, large-scale recruitment of new soldiers will be completed in early October, and then the basic training will be added to various units, which will greatly increase the number of active troops.
Zhao Dongyun was not alone in this military expansion. Since Yuan Shikai’s assassination in early October, almost all the generals in Beiyang have been doing the same thing, that is, the governors in the south have also expanded their troops by accident, but the scale and speed are not as exaggerated as those of Beiyang generals.
For example, Zhao Dongyun has set up two new hybrid associations, but Wang Yingjie also relies on the basis of staying in Tianjin Horse Factory, and then plans to expand a hybrid association called the first hybrid association of Beiyang Standing Army.
Duan Qirui is not to be outdone, but also drafted a standard foundation and then established the so-called Beiyang Standing Army Second Hybrid Association.
Even Wang Shizhen and Feng Guozhang expanded their armies, and Wang Shizhen created a supplementary association for the sixth town. Although Feng Guozhang didn’t get the association number, he made up two new reserve marks for the first town, and then set about establishing the Guards.
However, the expansion of these troops has not yet been formally compiled, and even the paper data is not enough. At present, they can fight or become old troops a few years ago.
However, even relying on the former old army, Zhao Dongyun is confident to enter the capital and then drive Guangxu out of the throne. At present, the smooth progress of Tongzhou, the third town, has already shown this.
However, he didn’t know it was his performance in Tongzhou, the third town, which attracted Wang Yingkai’s attention!
"He Zhao Dong cloud hand soldiers can really fight. It took a long time to fight Tongzhou, but it was a thousand people who took Tongzhou, and there were more casualties in the sixth town than them!" Wang Yingjie frowned.
On the surface, Zhao Dongyun seems to be very beneficial to himself, but it’s not a good thing for Wang Yingjie, because everyone knows that after killing the Qing Dynasty, someone will always be promoted as president, and then Wang Duan and Zhao will have to compete!
"Besides, I heard that his newly compiled fourth mixed association has also arrived in Shanhai. If something happens, I’m afraid this mixed association can enter at any time!" The person next to you said so.
After listening, Wang Yingjie frowned even more!
Although Beiyang Li claims that he has the greatest prestige and has gathered many aides and talents in Yuan Shikai’s era, Beiyang is not a purely political group, but a dependent army, and the number of troops in his hands is a direct manifestation of his strength.
He Wang Yingkai’s hand directly controls the troops, that is, the first town. Although Zhang Huaizhi still maintains some respect for himself, he has left his family, that is, at most, he is a political ally. And now Zhang Huaizhi leads the fifth town and the first town to oppose each other, which has blocked the 29th Hunchengxie Association in the second town of Li Yuanhong.
So Wang Yingkai can’t say what can be to continue to woo Zhang Huaizhi.
However, even if Zhang Huaizhi is added, even if he is added to the newly established Beiyang Standing Army First Hybrid Association, he can only rely on more than 30,000 people in two towns and one association. However, Zhao Dongyun supported the army before the war, and now he has set up a cavalry association and two hybrid associations.
This means that the total strength of the three towns and three associations is at least 50 thousand to 60 thousand
This force is not as tall as Zhao Dongyun’s, but now I hear that Zhao Dongyun’s troops can beat themselves and Duan Qirui took Tongzhou before they failed to conquer Nanyuan, which makes Wang Yingjie even more concerned.
Wang Duan-Zhao alliance is a very fragile alliance from beginning to end. It can be said that Wang Duan-Zhao all know that it is inevitable for three people to fight after killing Manchu in the future. Now it is inevitable that Wang Yingkai is worried about the growth of Zhao Dong Cloud’s strength.
"It seems that the pace of our army expansion is not fast enough. Now it is far from enough to establish a first mixed association. So go to Japanese people again and ask them if ordnance can be cheaper!" Wang Yingkai frowned and then bit his teeth. "Let someone go to the fourth town and tell the surname Duan Hefei that I want to meet and talk with him!"
The situation outside the city is chaotic, and the situation in Jingshi City is also quite bad!
"It’s been playing for almost a month, and the brothers have suffered heavy casualties. Adults can’t keep playing like this, otherwise our sixth town will be wiped out!"
Wang Shizhen is also a face of black lines in the face of complaints from the bottom. He really didn’t expect that the Tongzhou defense line was still good for the first half of the month. Although he dared not say that it was impregnable, he expected that Zhao Dongyun would have to kill three or five thousand people if he wanted to bring it less, but he didn’t expect that Zhao Dongyun had a circuitous attack, which forced him to give up Tongzhou voluntarily, and that the sixth town called him for more than half a month but suffered heavy casualties.
Casualties, captives and disappearances add up to more than 2,500 people lost in his sixth town. This is all his background. If all of them are dead, Wang Shizhen will become a bald commander.
Next to the families continue to cry, "Now the imperial court has set it to benefit us, and the benefits are not counted. Look at the number of casualties in his first town in Feng Guozhang." There weren’t many casualties in their side and the west root, but only a few hundred people were killed or injured, but our sixth town, yes, was Zhao Dongyun going there again! "
Wang Shizhen this time is also a cold hum a "that’s enough! Is it interesting to say these now? "
However, although he reprimanded the Ministry, many thoughts flashed through his mind!
Look at this situation now, it’s a ghost that the capital can hold it, even if the south and west can hold it, but it’s absolutely impossible for the east and north to rely on their own strength of 10 thousand people in a sixth town. It is estimated that they will have to fight for the sixth town, and the biggest possibility is that these departments will have to raise the anti-flag and betray themselves before they can fight for it.
It’s good to get a governor of Zhili if you can stop it. It is estimated that you can reproduce the style of yuangong in a few years.
However, the situation is much more serious than I expected. I can’t continue to fight. I have to find a way to stop fighting. Well, even if it is a truce, I have to get enough benefits to stop fighting!
Thinking of this, he just drove all his generals out, then called a confidant and soldier and whispered, "You will go out of town and go west to the first town tonight!"

"Who is a relative with him!"

Say that finish Sun Yi "hum" a turn my back to don’t talk.
Su Yonglin shook his head.
"I know that the righteous brother has no selfishness in this matter. He wants to ask for some benefits for the ministries. Brothers call Sanzhou with their heads and want a birthright. It’s not too much. The Grand Commander really owes consideration to this."
Sun Yi turned and caught a glimpse of Su Yonglin.
"Just now, you didn’t say that in front of everyone. Now, it seems that you Su Yuting is also a slick generation! Will gossip behind your back! Little people! "
Su Yonglin shook his head with a face of nai.
"Just that kind of occasion I help you to talk is not to give the grand marshal? Is he coming to Taiwan? He is still a grand marshal, of course, in front of so many people. "
"Then you go to him! Don’t come and talk to me! One bite at a time … Why don’t you join hands to get rid of me! Or my horse will go by itself and don’t want you to rush! "
Sun Yi angry staring at Su Yonglin nu way "are you so towards him and he have any secret agreement? Are you two going to join hands to crowd me out? "
"Brother Yi’s words are poor!"
Su Yonglin busy said, "I, you came to Yidu on the same day, and you handed in the list together. I really don’t know if I have time to meet the Grand Commander alone. It’s really not a secret agreement."
The main reason is that so many new soldiers who joined the retrocession just stood there and looked at us three uprising elders, causing conflicts. Where should we put the marshal’s face together without giving it to the marshal? What about those soldiers who participated in the recovery?
Let’s play the banner of Shan Zhao and the banner of Grand Commander. Everyone knows that the Grand Commander of the Guangfu Army is Shan Zhao, not Sun Yi, not Su Yonglin. The Guangfu Army needs a real Grand Commander. This is the overall consideration!
And where is Brother Yi going? Without us, let’s split up and disperse our forces, and finally be defeated by the gold thieves one by one, or should Brother Yi think that the gold thieves can let you go and pretend that nothing happened? "
Sun Yi "hum" again without refuting.
But he was still angry.
"The big picture, the big picture, the big picture, I took the brothers to attack the city with their heads and what did the gold thief kill? Isn’t it wealth? If I don’t get rich and turn over, why don’t I fight for my life and not follow him to revolt in Zhaoshan?
After winning the war, you asked me to write to him and let him call himself the head of Shandong Province. He sealed himself and it was our turn. Why should he reciprocate? Tri-state, it’s me. I asked him for a birthright. What’s wrong with the reward?
He gave nothing. He gave nothing! Do you want me to continue to go with my brothers? I will when the time comes, and none of my brothers will! Su Yuting, how can I tell my brothers? "
Sun yiyue said that he was getting angry.
Su Yonglin is smiling.
"So didn’t I ask for a reward for you?"
"Do I want that?"
Sun Yiqi turned around and looked at Su Yonglin. "I don’t care if he is the main manager of Shandong. I promise to agree with him to be bigger. I don’t mind, but it’s my credit that I called Sanzhou, right? I don’t want anything, either. Why don’t he be a big manager and I be a small manager?
I’m not just myself, I think I can give my brothers some rewards when I become a small manager. You can be a secretariat and a county magistrate, and everyone can be rich with a reward.
But he gave nothing. Nothing! Yuting, you’re also fighting for the city. Don’t you mind? Do you mind if he doesn’t seal those places for you to manage? When the time comes, we’ll work hard at the front line, and he’ll change hands and seal us off to someone else to be in charge. Will you? "
Sun Yi’s angry words blurted out like a barrage, and Su Yonglin couldn’t find a chance to interrupt when he wanted to interrupt.
Very easy when he finished Su Yonglin quickly cut in.
"No brother how can do that? He knows that it is necessary to prioritize and reward, and now we just don’t have time. "
Su Yonglin stretched out his hand and took Sun Yi’s hand. "Brother Yi, what we need is to unite as one to fight against the gold thief instead of having a little birthright here, which is not good for us."
The army of gold thieves will definitely come, and none of us can fight against the gold thieves alone without the Guangfu Army as a whole. We don’t have the strength. We must unite closely to fight against the gold thieves! "
Sun Yi looked at her face and Su Yonglin took a deep breath and was silent for a while, but her face was still full of unhappiness.
I’ll talk to him later.
"You know wisely, but Zhao Shan doesn’t necessarily know wisely like you! I think he is a greedy generation! Short-sighted! Hey! "
Then Sun Yi shook Su Yonglin’s hand. "You go home, I want to rest."
Su Yonglin smiled and nodded his head.
"Knowing the general situation is not my righteous brother, but also knowing the general situation. We still have to support each other and rely on each other. The current commander also promised to reward the merits and rewards after the war on Shandong West Road."
"Say all the beautiful words!"
Sun Yi turned over a supercilious look again and left without saying hello to Su Yonglin, so he left here to dry.
Su Yonglin sighed and turned away by himself.
Sun Yi’s side is barely appeased Zhao Shan, who also needs him to mediate.
Chapter 73 Ideals belong to ideals and interests to interests
Everything that happened at this moment was expected by Su Yonglin.
When Sun Yi asked him to hand over the list together, he expected that there would be some movement here in Zhaoshan.
I didn’t expect Zhao Shan to react a little too aggressively.
At the top, it’s called failure to achieve great things. At the bottom, it’s just shallow eyelids.
Congenital deficiency The first crack appeared in the rebel group of the Guangfu Army at this moment.
But in this way, Zhao Shan is Su Yonglin’s satisfied "brother". If he is atmospheric enough and generous enough, Su Yonglin thinks these things are not easy to fuck.
To put it bluntly, the Guangfu Army or Zhaoshan is full of tools in his eyes.
Zhaoshan and Guangfu Army have positive significance in a specific historical stage, but it is a stumbling block in the following historical stage.
Having said that, it would be premature for the Guangfu Army to split openly now.
In Su Yonglin’s vision, the Guangfu Army should at least sweep across half of the Central Plains and start a prairie fire before splitting, instead of splitting when the fire first started.
As a result, he also needs adhesive to form two sides with the mud to maintain the surface joint.
On the other hand, from the leader’s point of view, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Shan’s approach, but it is a mess in practice and process.
It is normal and necessary for leaders to win victory by themselves. The army is not only a military leader but also a spiritual leader, firmly controlling the victory of the army.
It’s normal for Zhao Shan to be the absolute leader of the Guangfu Army, but it’s better to be gentle.
Pass me the list of awards. You don’t say a word, you don’t give any awards, you don’t even want to give money to the real Guangfu army. Are they all fighters who want human liberation?
But even the material needs of human liberation soldiers are as much as giving.
Who can fight on an empty stomach?
Su Yonglin, in addition to literacy and political and ideological education for the army, has a lot of material things, which is definitely not just a slap in the face.
The soldiers of Victory Army definitely followed Su Yonglin not only because of their ideas.
People have a very realistic side.
Ideal belongs to ideal, benefit belongs to benefit, and most people still have to rely on benefit to drive their own needs, or they have to get basic satisfaction.
Su Yonglin has long established the rule that all seized goods belong to the public, which is a unity from the era of smuggling salt dealers to the present victory army.
But it is also public to seize and return to the public.
He will do everything he can to improve the living standards and equipment of the army, ensure that everyone has enough to eat, wear warm clothes and occasionally improve their lives.
It’s not Su Yonglin’s own selfish desire to seize and return to the public, but that all people can enjoy these seizures relatively fairly.
Su Yonglin’s self-restraint ability is very strong, and he never reveals his hobbies and selfish desires.
We all have ideals and drive, and we are very satisfied with our spirit, but we are also human beings and some people have the minimum material needs.
Su Yonglin has always insisted on three meals a day, which makes the soldiers who just joined the Victory Army be dead set on him.
Actually, three meals, one meal, many meals, not bad.
I can’t say how good it is, but it’s enough to manage the grain with enough salt
Maybe he will try his best to replenish oil and water for soldiers to improve their lives.

[JiNaYao, why are you so annoying] RuanShu hates him.

Just say that she can still live a good life after marrying such a husband?
You must not be bullied to death by him all day long.
[I won’t marry you! 】 Ruan Shu qi but then sent a past sound wronged dead.
Ji Nanyao had a hard time chasing his wife all the way after hearing this, but he couldn’t just play away.
[Okay, okay, tell you! 】 Ji Nanyao thinks that this tone of voice in this generation is probably right for April.
[where? 】 Ruan Shu didn’t like to cry when he was a child. He never cried when he was beaten and scolded.
At the moment, he is so wronged that his eyes are sore.
[Come to the balcony]
Ruan Shu was surprised that she couldn’t find the original balcony.
Ruan Shu took a few steps forward and lifted the curtain. There was a small balcony there.
I walked in and was about to look for it, only to find that JiNaYao was looking at her with a mobile phone and laughing.
Chapter 61 The dead are the living who can’t cross the biggest gap.
Then RuanShu’s cell phone rang and JiNaYao called.
Although the balconies of the two rooms are close, they can’t hear the talk with the window open, so they talk directly.
Ruanshu still answered JiNa Yao Yin and whispered in her ear through the receiver, "There is nothing in your room. Don’t be paranoid."
Ji Nanyao’s voice is very calming. Ruan Shugang was very angry when he saw that he had been played.
I can’t lose my temper when I hear his voice.
"You don’t have that kind of thing in my room?" Ruan Shu still asked, but his tone was soft and he didn’t mean to question.
JiNaYao low smile "I have so chat? Don’t be afraid that I will have nothing to sleep next door to you. "
Ruan Shu, um, looked up and saw the eye. A glass separated JiNaYao hung up the phone.
Back to my room, Ruan Shu was lying in bed with his eyes closed, and then suddenly he came with me and was bewitched by this guy.
What do you mean, he’s next door? It’s okay. The most dangerous thing is next door, okay?
However, after a tiring day during the day, I just climbed high and low again. I was really tired, exhausted physically and mentally, and had no time to think. I fell asleep in bed soon this time.
I’m asleep here, but it’s lively over there at Jijia.
The hexagram group got together again to discuss the problem of the third brother.
Yan Xian made a speech. "I think it’s too difficult for the third old Cycas. We all have to help the third one to get people quickly."
Yan Ting was pregnant for more than a month and spoke first.
She is getting heavier and heavier and has been ordered not to go out. The farthest place she has been every day is Jijia Garden. It’s really boring.
It is rare to have such a big news, of course, we should actively participate.
Ji Nanqi took the lead in nodding to show that his wife said that he supported her and said everything was right.
The couple looked at each other sweetly in the fourth season, and Nanrui vomited in his heart that the sour smell of love between the old couple could not stand it.
Ye Lingshan had dinner at Jijia’s home last night. When Nanrui wanted to send her home, she found this photo, and then Jijia was busy.
She decided to stay here tonight, but as usual, she lives in the guest room next to Ji Nanrui.
Ji Nanrui’s heart is blocked and trapped, and he is looking forward to the third child to get rid of his wife quickly. Otherwise, he will have a hard time every day. Why can’t anyone help him find a way to get rid of Ye Lingshan, a little bastard?
Ji Nanfeng didn’t give Sister-in-law a face. "As for the abnormal IQ of Third Brother, I think that Miss Ruan Er can be miserable. I am more sympathetic to the future Sister-in-law."
Sheng Sheng didn’t say anything, but he agreed with Xiao Ge. To tell the truth, San Ge’s speed bar is the most important thing for a few days. He made a face-blind patient remember him so quickly.
A word cow!
She listened to Ye Lingshan and interviewed her. At that time, Ye Lingshan went to interview three times before and after.
The first time I lived in a separate ward, my fourth brother and Lingshan didn’t admit their mistakes.
On the second day of hospitalization, there happened to be a seriously ill old man who needed a separate ward. The hospital ward was not enough and Ji Nanrui was not seriously injured, so he gave the ward to the old man to live in a general ward himself.
Who knows Ruan Shu ran to the bed next to Ji Nanrui in the second interview, and the interviewed guy was forced by her interview.
He’s just a minor injury. It’s not as serious as a vegetable. He hasn’t talked about his girlfriend, let alone his ex-girlfriend.
When Ye Lingshan told her and Yan about it, they were almost laughing.
Everyone in the most critical ward knows that Ji Nanrui’s "vegetable" has been awakened.
Ji Nanrui said that he had lost his reputation as Ruan Shu.
A few young people, you said, I said, Mrs. Ji and Shen Jiaran came from the building to see them, and a group of children all asked, "I haven’t heard of Miss Ruan Jia Er before."
Miss Ruan’s family kissed Nanyao, but the child turned down the marriage with high heart. Earlier, Mrs Ruan said that Ruan’s family had the nerve to mend fences, and she refused.
Getting married is two good adults who are willing to have children but unwilling to become enemies when the time comes.
I didn’t expect that something happened to that child not long after it passed, and he was also a poor boy. If he said no, he would be gone.
"Bo Niang doesn’t blame you for not hearing that Ruan Ruan has always been very low-key and their old lady prefers her cousin to show up in public." Ye Lingshan and Ruan Shu had better speak for her naturally.
Mrs. Ji nodded. When she saw the picture, she put her hands together and prayed that the Buddha was very devout. He should like it.
The Ruan family and the Jijia family are well matched. The problem is that Nanyao and Ruan, the eldest lady of Ruan family, have a close relationship. Ruan’s birthday is to be announced. Although the results have not been announced, some people have guessed it.
The worst thing is that Nan Yao was with Miss Ruan Er soon after Ruan Yu’s accident, fearing that his name would be harmed.
Nan Yao is a scientist, and he has made contributions to mankind. In the future, he will go down in history. Is it bad for his name?
She didn’t mean to object, but I still have to ask Lao San what she thinks about these things.
After all, it’s his own business. That kid has a big idea since he was a child and has the same sex with his father. No one can guess what he thinks.
Shen Jiaran saw his cousin’s concern and smiled. "It’s rare that we have a girl who likes South Yao since childhood. Have you ever seen a bad thing with us South Yao? Don’t worry. "
Ji Jia, these children are all clever, but it’s really necessary to rank them high and low, and it has to be the cleverest in the third place.
Mrs. Ji nodded. That’s what she meant. Let’s talk about it when Lao San comes back.
As soon as the two adults left, several young people became active again. Ye Lingshan asked, "Aunt is not going to beat Yuanyang, is she?"
Although Ji Jia doesn’t interfere with the children’s marriage, he still needs the approval of his elders.
For example, Ji Nanqi and Han Cheng had a good time and a second child.
It’s hard to say that the elder Xing Sisi, who Lao Si brought home, doesn’t like it, even the strike and the south wind are full of twists and turns.
No big family is truly free to marry.
If it is true, there is no family before. Now the problem is that Ruan Yu is dead.
The dead are the living who can’t cross the biggest gap.
Ji’s family refused Ruan’s family before, but now what will Ruan’s family think if they ask for marriage again?
Ye Lingshan looked around and looked at Ji Nanrui. Ji Nanrui is her man. He is naturally her most trusted person in this family.
Chapter 62 Don’t say that you woke up thinking of me after a sleep.
If these brothers know Ji Nanyao best, it is naturally Ji Nanrui.
There is a gap of several months between them, and they are in the same class from kindergarten to high school.
The second child in ten thousand said that he was always Ji Nanyao because of his first position in front.
When Shi was in high school, he passed him once. At that time, Lao San didn’t know what he was in a bad mood. Smoking and drinking were all learned at that time.
Although he doesn’t know why, he knows that he can win or not, and there is nothing to show off.
Xiao Wu has always said that the IQ of Lao San has reached the point of abnormal condition, which he recognizes.
He decided that nothing could be done. Grandpa’s favorite heir was Lao San. I don’t know what that guy said to Grandpa. The heir became the eldest brother.
"How can the third child find a way by himself?" Ji Nanrui was sure.

"Who scold? Scold you, of course? Don’t look for miss if you want to be in estrus. Miss is not interested in you. "

Fengli was livid with anger. "You said Wang was in heat?"
It takes a beast to be called estrus … She … She actually said so about herself [
"Not who are you? If you want a woman, Miss can help you find it, but you can’t move Miss-Do you remember what you said? What makes a big man forget what he said so soon? "
Remembering what she said when she just married to Wangfu, Feng Li was a little flustered and said, "Of course Wang didn’t forget."
Jiang Xue bud cold hum a "what were you doing just now? If you do this to me, it will make me feel that you are interested in me. What do you think, sovereign? Do you already like me? "
Damn it, woman …
What a shame
He doesn’t like her.
Even if he likes a pig, he won’t like a woman like her
Phoenix glass bit her lip and raised her head angrily. "You are dreaming less. It is absolutely impossible for the king to like you. Wang Mu Wan just wanted to block your mouth. Who told you to keep talking? Wang listened upset."
He was a little guilty when he said this.
I wonder what it is, but he doesn’t know it either.
But he can be sure … The reason … is definitely not just because of what he said just now.
"You … I don’t care what you’re thinking. Anyway, you can’t touch me without my permission."
Then she got up and looked at him condescendingly. "Wash yourself slowly, miss. I don’t want to wait on you now."
Say that finish pick up the phoenix glass is still on the side of the robe wrapped in wet body turned around and never back to a head.
"King Mu Wan didn’t say you could go."
Phoenix glass roars a.
Jiang Xue Bud is still so determined and so natural and unrestrained, like a root, and he doesn’t listen to his words. Section 3: A big man is complaining.
Phoenix glass roars a.
Jiang Xue bud is still so determined and so natural and unrestrained, like a root, without listening to his words.
"Mu wan, don’t you dare to listen to the king …"
See Jiang Xue bud theory all ignore him phoenix glass messy in the wind.
She’s incredibly … incredibly arrogant … [
Damn woman
Why on earth can she be so dragged?
"Fengli, you are very noisy. Are you embarrassed that a big man is complaining?"
Jiang Xue Bud finally stopped and looked back at him when he was about to walk out of the hot spring pool.
Then … Spit out such a sentence to make Feng Li angry and then turn around and leave.
"Mu wan you …"
Mo saw Jiang Xue Bud coming out of the hot spring pavilion in a phoenix robe, and then he heard his own prince yelling in the hot spring pavilion.
He frowned and his lips twitched.
What’s going on?
Your majesty, has he been bullied by the princess again?
I remember being here once.
It’s almost the same situation …
The princess came out of the hot spring pavilion first, and then she heard the prince yelling inside.
How come every time … Your majesty is the bullied one?
Has always been bullying others report … Now being bullied by others again and again.
Ink think … This may … Maybe … Probably a good thing.
It’s also good to defeat the sovereign’s spirit. He is always so arrogant.
People ….. just should know how to be modest.
Back to Leng Yue Pavilion, Jiang Xue Bud Horse threw it into the courtyard like garbage [
Mrs. Mu was surprised to see her in such a mess, and then quickly went to her side and shouted, "Wan’er … what are you … what’s wrong with you?"
Isn’t it just to have a meal?
Why did you come back as a drowned rat?
"It’s okay, mom. I’ll go in and change."
Mrs Mu looked surprised. "Oh … good … good …"
Mrs. Yi Mu quickly handed a bowl of ginger soup. "Wan’er, drink it quickly. Don’t get cold. Section 4: That fox is a bit strange."
Mrs Mu looked surprised. "Oh … good … good …"
Mrs. Yi Mu quickly handed a bowl of ginger soup, "Wan’er, drink it quickly and don’t get cold."
Jiang Xue Bud frowned, took the bowl and drank the ginger soup in one breath.

I have to say the ghost way to make these different attributes spiritual.

Lu yuan’s animal brain is turning really fast.
In this way, spiritual powers with different attributes can be perfectly benefited.
And Liu Yuan now thinks of the way for the leaf media in this world to absorb his pet beast’s spiritual strength and spirit.
It is also a flash of inspiration from the virtual ant king.
Although Lu Yuan doesn’t know exactly how the virtual ant king absorbs the vitality and virtual force of its four secret creatures.
However, this does not prevent Lu Yuan from achieving similar results through his own way.
Part of the world leaf tree of life
The body has a very amazing psychic effect.
This is why Lu Yuan asked Xiaoshu for some leaves.
Moreover, the ghost way that Lu Yuan chose to help Tam and Barlow fight was also well thought out.
After all, Faqi must assist him.
Once personally involved in platinum level battle.
Maybe just a fight aftermath can make him get a box lunch instantly.
But if it’s a ghost way of fighting.
Then Liu Yuan wouldn’t be so risky.
After all, when the time comes, he will be able to display his ghosts in a relatively safe position.
It’s time to come up with this idea.
Lu Yuan really killed a lot of brain cells along the way.
After all this, Lu Yuan took a deep breath and said to everyone, "Everyone will make or break …"
"If we win this battle, we will be one step away from here."
"And if we lose, everyone’s grave grass should be two meters high today."
Hearing Liu Yuan’s remarks, several pet animals suddenly became serious.
Success or failure … Once again!
After seeing that pet animals are all serious,
Liu Yuan turned around and looked in the direction of the third land node.
"Then let’s … act."
Say that finish after Liu Yuan strode in the direction of the third land node.
At the same time, in the third secret node, Gabriel seems to feel something.
Look up in the direction of the channel …
Chapter 46 and fight
The third shakotan coast node Gaby force staring at the dark channel.
Soon two figure slowly came out from the tunnel.
Although Gabriel can still feel the channel and several other weak breath.
However, because those breath levels are generally from silver to gold.
Suo Jiali is not interested in this.
A few hide silver and gold pet beasts.
What threat can it pose to him?
Gabriel watched from the channel out of Liu Yuan and Tam slowly get up.
The conventional killer whale warrior Gabriel has reached an astonishing height of 7 meters.
Although this height is similar to that of the former virtual giant crab.
But their physical strength is very different.
If virtual giant pincer crab is that kind of puffy warrior.
Then Gabriel is the kind of warrior with compact muscles.
Not to mention combat skills.
Gabrielle is a crab with virtual giant pincers after crushing.
Gabriel looked at Liu Yuankou and said, "Liu Yuan … I really didn’t expect you to come this far …"
Gabriel’s tone is very sigh.
He didn’t think of it when he showed his roots
Liu Yuan was able to destroy two shakotan coast nodes in a row.
But soon Gabriel turned the tables.
And his face expression became ferocious. "Liu Yuan, although you were lucky enough to destroy two shakotan land nodes."
"But you can’t destroy this one."
"So it’s me who guards here at this time … the king of killer whales, Gabriel!"
Hear Gabriel’s arrogant tone.
Lu Yuan asked faintly, "Before the battle, can you tell me … were you among the seniors who persecuted Alo?"
"Barlow senior? Oh, I remember. You said it should be the senior student of Hanhan Shuilu College. "
"Speaking of which, that student is really honest and frank. After he found out that I had made a deal with Dreamland, the little one didn’t think of leaving immediately and telling the alliance about it."
"I jumped out and tried to arrest me myself."
"I think what he said at that time …"
"I remember … he said I was one of the best among the mermaid clan."
"Why should we collude with fantasy villagers?"
"Now that I think about it, it’s really naive for him to say those words."
"What and fantasy fellow villager collusion? Of course, I can get a lot of benefits from trading with them! "
"If you allies can understand the feelings of our blue sea warriors!"
"My strength has reached the platinum level, but my site is just the North Sea in the blue domain."
"I know very well that many domain owners in your alliance are not as strong as me."
"But their territory can be as good as our proud queen. Do you know how insulting it is to me?"
"So I was wondering if there was any way to change the stubborn idea of our queen."
"We have a diamond and four platinum in the blue domain, but we can curl up in the blue domain."

This is what Lin Luo is most worried about, but he thinks the Li family should not be so easy to handle, but according to this form, it seems that the Li family’s strength is really not so good, perhaps under the pressure of Zhujiajian Lin Luo thought.

"Brother, what’s wrong with you?" Village head Wang saw Lin Luo suddenly stop talking.
Lin Luo dozen ha ha way "I guess that woman must be truly this just be coerced" anyway, is his daughter-in-law boast not white boast.
Village head Wang laughed. "My brother is really a man of temperament. He is quite charming. He has my style in the past. Oh, who pulled my ear!"
And Wang Cun looks like a pair of twin brothers and sisters. The village head woman said, "Are you also charming?"
Village head Wang said with a bitter face, "I’m still romantic and the wind can’t blow me!"
Lin Luo see their husband and wife going, moreover, something happened in my heart, so I left.
It’s already evening, and the stars in the sky are buzzing with insects. Lin Luo walks down the street and the hot air blows his face, but Lin Luo’s heart is a chill.
Lin Luomeng clenched his fist and burst into a scratching explosion.
"It seems that it is time to settle some grievances!" Then Lin Luo stepped out of the street and disappeared like a ghost
A few days later, Yancheng
Tianbao Pavilion Today, Tianbao Pavilion has a very good business. Friars keep coming and going. It seems that the shopkeeper of Lingshi has a happy face and keeps praising the guys.
The guys were praised for working harder. After a gas refining period, the guys on the tenth floor saw a white-clad male brother coming over and greeted him with a fart.
"Daoyou, please come to Tianbao Pavilion. A large number of Lingbao departments have newly entered the wholesale price. If you don’t buy it, you won’t have a chance!"
Brother Gong nodded casually. "I want a good Lingbao, but don’t wave me when it’s not good."
Brother Gong, the more he is like this, the more he thinks, "Daoyou, this is Tianbao Pavilion. Don’t say that Yancheng is the best Lingbao store, but the price is expensive. Can Daoyou prepare enough Lingshi?"
Brother Gong snorted and patted his bag like a rich man.
When you see a brother’s body bag, the man’s eyes light up. A qualified monk engaged in business has already exercised. You can see the price of Lingbaoji at a glance. That brother’s body bag is a high-grade one, but it is worth 50 Lingshi less.
Big fish, big fish! Dude heart roar face more respectful way "please friends please directly on the third floor I’ll call the shopkeeper reception"
Brother Gong, with his head held high, led the man with a word step on the third floor. The man said, "Please look at me casually and ask the shopkeeper to make friends in person."
The shopkeeper was also beaming when he heard that a Taoist friend wearing a high-grade bag came to the store, so that rich people were rare in the whole rock city, so he hurried to the third floor.
On the third floor, there is the white brother who chooses Lingbao. The two brothers around him are all looking at each other. Brother Gong seems to be very dissatisfied and looks at his eyebrows wrinkled.
From a distance, the elder brother had a knot in Dan’s early repair, but he looked young and seemed to come out to experience the family.
The shopkeeper hurriedly walked to the way, "The distinguished guest door is far away to meet the old shopkeeper Zhao Yuan."
Male elder brother see newcomers a pair of nostrils toward the sky sample way "are you the shopkeeper? Is that all you have here? Are there any good things out of town is a town … "
Shopkeeper Zhao was not angry when he heard this, but he was quite happy because he seemed to have a prodigal thing, so he became more respectful and said, "Excuse me, Daoyou, which aspect do you need, Lingbao defense, attack or flight?"
Brother Gong disdained, "I didn’t even see it when I said it was good!"
Chapter 149 Blood lead
Shopkeeper Zhao said mysteriously, "Good things are reserved for Taoist friends. How can you just put them out?"
Male elder brother this just look a little good-looking, "take it out" said from the waist solution bag conveniently pulled out a dozen pieces of LingShi throw table from the inside.
"If there is a good Lingbao, this is your benefit!"
Zhao shopkeeper’s eyes have always been that he has never seen such a prodigal monk throw it out casually. When Zhao shopkeeper is more sure, this man must be a big family. Brother Wan Ku therefore looks like a lamb to be slaughtered.
"Ha, ha, ha, friend frank is a hero! Well, in that case, I don’t keep secrets from Taoist friends in Tianbaoge, Iwate. I have received a few curious treasures here. I will let the public have a look before I hand them over to Longcheng, the headquarters! "
Generally speaking, if you receive a good Lingbao, you need to pay it to the Zhao family in Longcheng. Several elders will evaluate Lingbao and then bid the reserve price. Of course, there are exceptions. If the shopkeeper in that branch is deeply trusted by the patriarch, he can set the price privately without going back and forth to the headquarters branch. The most important thing is that Tianbao Pavilion has created huge benefits, which is the foundation before.
Zhao shopkeeper turned away from the top floor.
Every city Tianbao Pavilion has a fortified area, which is the place of Lingshi and senior Lingbao. When this place was built, it was built by the master supervisor, and a large number of complex prohibitions were placed. This is also a facility to prevent wealth from being robbed, but one thing is that this fortified area is small, and some valuable things can be placed. After all, the bigger the fortified area, the more Lingshi and prohibitions are needed.
In a short time, the shopkeeper Zhao came and held a wooden box in his hand. The box was not long, one foot wide and six inches, but it looked like a dark agarwood.
The white male elder brother smelled a strange aroma and a slight aura fluctuation far away, and suddenly he was amazed and opened his eyes wide.
Zhao shopkeeper said, "Daoyou, this is what I mean by Lingbao." Then he made a box.
As the box opens, a light bursts out of it, accompanied by a surge of aura, which is dense and dense, and purple gas fills the air. When the fog disappears, Brother Bai sees a leaf lying quietly in the box.
That Ye Gang can cover the palm of your hand, and the whole leaf seems to be covered with rain and dew. The strangest thing is that the skeleton of the leaf vein spreads and is crystal clear and full of aura.
Brother Bai’s eyes widened and his lips trembled slightly, and he blurted out, "Bodhisattva!"
Zhao shopkeeper was taken aback. He took one look and was more sure that the white male elder brother was very human. He nodded, "Taoist friends are really knowledgeable. This is Bodhisattva! It’s a wonderful thing that can’t be met! "
Bodhisattva trees are born in the aura-rich East China Sea. Their life span is 10,000 years. From birth to death, they can give birth to 99 bodhisattvas. The leaves are triangular, oval, dark green, shiny and dust-free. Therefore, there is a poem saying,’ Being a bodhisattva is the heart of a bodhisattva tree, and always wiping off the mirror, so as not to get dust’. Bodhisattva trees are a rare thing. It is said that there have been several bodhisattvas in the whole state, but every time they appear, they will cause a battle for the number of
The efficacy of Bodhisattva leaves is more precious to mortals than to friars, mainly because the vitality of Bodhisattva leaves is very beneficial to friars’ physical injury, which can almost kill bones.
"If we know that this is Puye Daoyou, we must be very clear about the price!" Zhao shopkeeper then says
Brother Bai nodded and said, "This thing is valuable, even if it is Lingshi. I don’t know if Tianbao Pavilion is going to sell this thing?" This is a question in the heart of white male elder brother. Does Zhao Jiashen also need this thing?
Zhao shopkeeper nodded deeply. "Yes, Taoist friends have a good opinion. This is indeed as Taoist friends said, but I have my own plan for Tianbao Pavilion. Let’s make it public. If the price is right, it may be a good deal."
Real Zhao shopkeeper knows why Pu Ye is strange. If one person makes it, it will definitely make others have opinions. In this way, it is better to make everyone share a piece of this. This is one or two. There are still a few pieces of Pu Ye Zhao’s family that can be sold.
After thinking about it, Brother White didn’t answer this, but asked, "Is there this Lingbao?"
The shopkeeper Zhao asked, "Don’t Taoist friends notice these two things?"
Brother White glanced at his eyes. Suddenly, he fixed his eyes on the shopkeeper Zhao’s hand and said, "Is this also a spiritual treasure?"
Shopkeeper Zhao praised, "Daoyou has a good eye. This box is also a spiritual treasure, but it is valuable to build heavy wood in the South China Sea. But I advise you to pack it because this box is very effective!"
Brother Bai moved in his heart. "Can this box isolate the aura and dissipate?"
"It is this that the monk dreams of seeking spiritual treasure!"
It’s true that the white brother andao said that all Lingbao will escape the aura, even Lingbao in the bag will escape the aura until it is unknown, and it will dissipate faster like that Bodhisattva aura.
Looking at the white-clad brother, Zhao shopkeeper continued, "Daoyou make a price!"
White male elder brother hey but smile stretched out a palm.
Shopkeeper Zhao saw pretending to be unhappy and said, "Daoyou, this joke is too big for you to buy Bodhisattva leaves!"
White male elder brother shook his head and said, "It’s not five extremely lingshi."
"Is it fifty dollars?" Zhao Zhanggui’s heart beats faster.
White male elder brother continue to shake head a way "is not fifty dollars is a slap"
The word’ palm’ hasn’t been spit out yet. The hand of the white male brother has roared, and a crazy aura has erupted from the white male brother’s body generate like a sudden storm.
Shopkeeper Zhao looked at the huge palms hitting him, and his eyes reflected that the palms were getting bigger and bigger until the whole eyes were occupied by the palms of white male brothers. He couldn’t afford to rebel at all. A voice in his heart roared, "Yuan baby is definitely Yuan baby!"
Zhao shopkeeper, flying headlong, ran into the counter, and the counter collapsed. The treasures were scattered all over the floor. The two monks in the construction period were stupid and looked at the sudden change and were at a loss.
Zhao shopkeeper looked up and tried to open his mouth, but two broken teeth slipped out of his mouth.
"You … dare to provoke zhao you won’t have a … good field"
White male elder brother burst out laughing, and then another face appeared with a wipe.
See this man Zhao shopkeeper complexion changed "Lin Luo Lin Luo are you! How did you get here? "
Yes, this person is Lin Luo. He walked over and slapped Zhao’s shopkeeper’s face. "I am normal everywhere. You are wrong. I didn’t dare to provoke Zhao. I have already provoked many times! Blame it on you. The Zhao family told Zhao Wu that zhao ming Lao Linluo had killed! "
Lin Luo slapped a fierce aura into Zhao shopkeeper’s abdomen. Immediately, Zhao shopkeeper’s plump face collapsed and his smooth skin shriveled up. The whole eyes were gray. Zhao shopkeeper had the strength to say, "You destroyed my abdomen and abolished my spiritual power!"
In Yuan Baby’s period, because Yuan Baby’s training is not very good, the monks in Dan Period can scrap Lin Luo if they want to break the elixir, and this person can repair things conveniently.
"Take my words to let the whole Zhongzhou Zhaojia Tianbaoge be careful about a place. I don’t know where to go!"
Then Lin Luozhao, the shopkeeper, looted the treasures on the third floor, including the counter lingshi. Of course, Lin Luo, the top heavy defense area, didn’t covet to be a man, and he couldn’t be too greedy to be kind. Thinking like this, Lin Luo packed all the lingshi on the first floor and the second floor

"What’s the Maser? What happened? Who am I, Maseryou? Who did this to you? !”

Eyes as wide as a frog, Caser held the dying Ryunosuke and let out a cry.
"Hello again, Caser. You finally showed up."
It sounded slowly in the dark with a heavy sigh. Caser couldn’t help but look up in the direction of this familiar sound.
"Is … it’s you! It’s you! "
That hateful face slowly emerged, and Caser gnashed his teeth because this man prevented him from bringing back his beloved Joan of Arc.
"Just stopped me and now hurt my dear Longjie. What on earth are you going to do! Do what? ! Bastard! Bastard, you damn one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times! "
Caser shouted like a madman, while Ye Yu laughed gently.
"Do you want to kill me? Ok … Then come and kill me. "
In the instant when Ye Yu’s words fell, Caser was keenly aware of an extremely dangerous atmosphere and quickly reacted. He held Longjie’s body and rolled over toward one side.
And where he was and Ryujie was, it was weird, and the whole distortion was like being abruptly separated from the world.
Chapter 14 Leaf Imperial Bottom Line
Ye Yuhui was so cautious in this holy grail war not because his Servan strength was inferior to others.
On the contrary, Flandora’s attribute is excellent, which is not inferior to Saber and Berserker recorded in the past. However, although Berserker’s attribute is relatively strong, she is irrational, but Flandora is not. She has a clear mind and is not inferior to Ye Yu in analyzing the situation.
Of course, through the girl’s behavior just now, Ye Yu also discovered her crazy side of Berserker, but fortunately, this madness has not reached a level of out of control.
Or this madness can enhance Fran’s fighting capacity in the battle, which is also a good thing.
Looking at Flanders alone with overwhelming momentum shocked Caser, and Ye Yu recalled the attributes of Flanders again.
Rank Berserker
Maser yeyu
Real name Flandre Scarlet
Attribute chaos and evil
Ability value strength B/ durability B/ agility A++/ magic A/ luck S/ treasure e.
Hold skills
Calm madness, outward madness and calm mind can greatly increase combat effectiveness with the degree.
Although divinity is a cursed vampire, it is incredible to have a little divinity.
Blood-sucking can quickly restore strength and vitality through blood supply, and the recovery effect increases with the strength of the blood-sucking party.
The effect of madness Berserker’s skill retention is unknown.
Destroy the purpose
Grade a
Kind-to-person treasure
Attack distance line of sight
Maximum capture line of sight
Distorted rules, power, destruction, everything in the eyes
Calamity wand Valentin
Grade a
Species-to-species treasure
Attack distance 1~99
Maximum capture of 1 person
Set off a disaster to destroy the world and usher in the dusk of the gods.
The flaming sword Valentin
Grade e
Species-to-species treasure
Attack distance 1~99
Maximum capture of 1 person
The magic sword that destroyed the world waved out the fire and burned everything.
What is Valentin? Ye Yu is no stranger to this world. It is a very famous weapon in Nordic mythology. It originally represented hope, but Rapier didn’t know it. Finally, it turned into despair. In the "Twilight of the Gods" World War I, this sword burned the whole world and then disappeared.
But what Valentin will summon Flandora? This name does not exist in Nordic mythology.
Ye Yu still can’t understand this point, but it seems that the Inverlando dew doesn’t belong to this world. Is it a spirit?
Maybe there is also a magic sword named Valentin in other worlds, which belongs to Flandora’s sword?
Just now, the Flemish ambassador was his first treasure-destroying purpose. This is an incredible ability in Ye Yu, because it is so unreasonable.
However, it seems that this ability has been greatly limited, and it is not as bad as its literal description. Otherwise, it may be that Caser has just been crushed to death by Fran.
However, even if this treasure is weakened, it is still stronger than the A-class treasure.
"I dodged it, but it wasn’t so easy once."

Let’s see if it’s boss Ye. I wonder if it’s time for reimbursement. I was still very excited at that time. "hi, dear uncle Ye, did you call at this time to say that reimbursement is coming?"

The other end of the words was stunned, but he was still very simple. "Ah, yes, yes, you have come to reimbursement, travel, subsidies and other rewards these times-well done."
"Thank you. I’ll change my words and take out a cigarette." How much is it altogether? Can you hit my card? "
"No, the card can be transferred formally, but the bonus part is extra and must be signed." Elymus is a little absent-minded. "You can sign it when you come back."
Ok, I’m glad to agree. Then I’ll sign it sometime-okay, that’s it … Wait a minute, boss. There’s another thing to tell you.
I found it as soon as the sound was full of energy-this is the key point for Elymus to call me!
I then booed a few words, and the boss soon found my problem and smiled and said, "I know that you have been busy and tired recently, but I am not understaffed." If it’s enough, how can I ask you to go out on business? -but don’t worry about it. Will you go out? "
"Go ahead," I said grumpily. "Ye Shu just said first that I can go and see Master Night now. There are still important things for me to deal with-why don’t you tell me first?"
I, elymus, called me because I knew what had happened, but I didn’t expect him to ask me the address and ask me to see for myself. In the end, the classification is not divided. Is it all right for our seven groups to handle it?
It was still early to see, so I rushed there directly.
That place is called Liulichang. In Qionglai area in the early Northern Song Dynasty, due to Wang Xiaobo’s uprising, the porcelain industry was seriously damaged, and craftsmen fled and moved around the province. The Liulichang kiln on the left bank of Jinjiang, outside the East Gate of Chengdu, was greatly developed, and the scale of porcelain-making industry was large, and a wide variety of ceramic crafts were remarkable.
Now it has become a residential area and some industrial factories, but sometimes broken porcelain and tiles can still be found in the countryside. I specially saw it when I was patrolling there at night, but since something happened today, there must be a vision.
In a small health clinic outside Liulichang, I met Elymus yelling at the man I saw-a middle-aged man. The only difference was that there was a small blood hole in his forehead, which seemed to have broken his scalp but didn’t go straight through his skull, but there was a little thing crawling gently on that skin!
I don’t know what it is, but it’s almost always near my forehead, and sometimes it shows a little bit. Several doctors and nurses next to the hole are guarding everything and don’t know what to do. Camouflage soon told me the whole thing.
This middle-aged man is a farmer. He recently applied for his own home and built his own house. When he was laying the foundation, he found a strange clay pot, so he reached in and wiped it.
The jar was a dark paste with a strange smell. I couldn’t tell whether it was fragrant or smelly. The man threw the jar aside without much intention-but from that day on, he kept having nightmares and his dreams were almost the same.
On a gray night, he walked along the road desperately, unaware of his fear or his intention to go home. When he passed the intersection, he saw some people there. He went over to ask who knew that when he saw those people staring at him, he sneered, but he didn’t dare to stop and ran away immediately. When he walked back, he always felt that something was behind him, which made him afraid. When he stopped, he found that he had crossed the house and walked to the other side of the village!
But he didn’t dare to turn back and move on …
When I was about to walk out of the village, suddenly a shadow descended on him from behind-the goods shouted and woke up suddenly, only to find that they were already sweating and collapsed!
This dream has been going on for 70 days, and then finally one night without waking up, and his wife found this guy in a coma early!
At that time, when he was sent to the health center, he was going to be sent to the city hospital at the first time, but I don’t know if it was luck that day. The doctor came over and had direct contact with our National Security Department 7. When he examined the patient, he found something like the crawling worm on his forehead, so he quickly contacted the National Security Bureau.
That’s why Elymus talks big today.
It’s natural that the doctor is still here to see me. He has a kind of respect for Guoan members and asked me, "What do you think we should do now, Liu Tan?"
I thought for a moment, "You leave other people’s departments out, then bring in a few stoves to light the room and raise the temperature first-I’ll see if I can get this bug out."
"Well, when the doctor heard that I was going to let him be an assistant, he got red in the face with excitement and hurriedly set out to get everything ready soon. Then these stoves were lit and heated, and I picked up a cinnabar pen and carefully drew a circle on his forehead, drawing the whole forehead.
Then I pulled out a little chicken feather burning ash from my pocket and gently sprinkled it outside the blood hole.
"You stare at me and do something. After that, I’ll write an ofuda on the door and window department-this thing, although I don’t know what it is, is absolutely necessary to get it out, so we can know exactly.
While writing and reading-yes, give me another hour and it will be over. It won’t be delayed to pick up Grandpa Sun then!
But I never thought that things would happen, and I made it almost the same. After the room temperature also rose, the doctor suddenly exclaimed, "Liu Tanliu is not good."
Section three hundred and sixty-three One hundred and one thousand lives
? When the doctor told me to sit still, I rushed to see it-boy, that thing is like playing through the line of fire. The master has broken through my cinnabar circle and now he is jumping from his forehead to the mud pill palace!
The patient didn’t know the pain when he was in a coma, but I know it. Now this situation suddenly makes me sweat and my eyes are blocked. There is no other reason because I misjudged this thing!
It turns out that this belongs to some kind of parasite, and the pot dug up in that place has grown year by year. Naturally, these heterogeneous people think that when the temperature rises, they can take it out with tweezers and then set the paper on fire … Now it seems that they are too wrong!
Carelessness, arrogance, carelessness, presumptuous speculation and impatience have caused this result. At best, the worm may have got into his brain from the mud pill Tianmen, but if it looks bad, it may have given away his life-if so, how can I live up to his family?
It’s a pity that I can try my best to remedy it now-I hurriedly hit the yin eye, hoping to look at the vein and the worm net through the yin eye. It’s strange to say that although the worm is still swimming slowly, it really walks along the human body’s main veins and meridians without passing a place, and the color of the vein is a little dark in my eyes.
Is this … swallowing yuan?
It is said that there is a hidden vitality in the human vein, and the more energetic people are, the better their health will be. On the contrary, their appearance is red and radiant, but they are sallow, emaciated and weak, like a paper-tied person. This worm can absorb Yuan Yang when swimming, so … is this a three-corpse brain worm?
Three corpse worms are also known as Sanpeng, three corpse gods and three corpse worms, including corpse gods, middle corpse gods and corpse gods. All three corpse gods are human yin gods, that is, Yin Qi Road. The Dream of Three Corpses says that there are three corpse worms in human beings, which specifically includes three corpse worms and three corpse worms called’ three corpse nine worms’.
In modern medicine, this insect is recognized as a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which parasitizes cells and reaches various parts of the body with blood flow, destroying the brain, heart and fundus, causing people to suffer from various diseases. It is an obligate cellular parasite, such as Coccidae, Coccidoidea and Toxoplasma gondii. People infected with this parasite suffer from Toxoplasma gondii.
These statements are different in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, but they are considered to be a very strange insect, which is very different from the well-documented Toxoplasma gondii, and has been extinct for a long time in modern society
The corpse lives in the Jade Pillow Cave behind the head. This is a kind of blue-green worm, which is usually two inches long and extremely slender. When its head swims, it will cause a strong ache. The fact that Cao ā suffered from head wind was caused by the corpse.
The corpse lives on the back. zhōng yāng Jiaji points are distributed on both sides of the spine. If the corpse swims at these points, there will be no difference. Once the corpse deviates from its back, its host will be troubled by hunchback. The corpse is also a worm, slightly thicker and shorter than the corpse. The head has some flocculent tentacles and the body is black.
A corpse lives in the caudal point, also known as the caudal point, which is an important position of the human body. If the human body is likened to an alchemy furnace, then this is the heated part of the bottom of the furnace, so the corpse has the meaning of determining human life and death. It is blood-red and has fine short hair. It looks terrible in its shape. One saying is that it is similar to a silkworm. It is recognized as a child in the womb. When the host dies, the corpse and the middle corpse will dissipate. Only the corpse will not disappear and gradually gather the souls of the deceased.
Now I meet a worm, which should be a three-corpse worm that emerged from that jar, and now it’s a brain worm, which is also commonly known as a corpse worm.
In the eyes of Yin, it’s a bit like talking about a corpse, so I quickly found the answer from my brain memory-Poria cocos is the most effective drug to restrain three corpses. If I can find enough Poria cocos to boil water and steam it with boiled water of cock, ephedra and green wormwood, it may be saved-but this Poria cocos is really hard to find old goods for a while!
Hurriedly put the newly drawn ofuda on the man’s forehead and tell the doctor not to move, touch or let anyone in, and then I’ll go straight out and light the car-well, I still have to find the third master!
Third master, do you remember? He is the most famous market trading boss in Chengdu, and I have always believed in knowledgeable person. Don’t be afraid to guarantee it, but he often has some special ways to find something-the disadvantage is that the goods are too expensive.
I just got my words out and got ready to play. As soon as I was good at it, I giggled and shook my head. Look, it’s thirteen. He actually called me. This guy is kind, but he just asked Yu Wangjia about the incident and asked me if I needed help …
I talked about what happened in the car. I just said,’ I’ll pick up Grandpa Sun for dinner tonight’, and it suddenly occurred to me that I still haven’t done something to pick up people today! Damn, I almost forgot!
I’m ambivalent about this-it’s a matter of life and death on the one hand and a matter of getting a wife on the other. You seem to put it on both sides, don’t you think? Is it because of God’s will that Sang Yu and I have a fate?
Thirteen, I hesitated to think about it. "I’m going to find Poria." I took the matter directly to myself. "What should you do?"
At that time, I was very happy, but on second thought, it was not reliable. A living man threw his life at me, and I went to do my own thing-although it was reasonable to say that, I always let it go after the law …
So I sighed, "well, it’s not good for us to take over the seven national security departments. Otherwise, you can help me to pick up a grandson. Here … Let me get things done."
"It’s ok." Thirteen answered without affectation, and then explained the process of one thing to me in detail. I dialed Third Master’s words and went straight to the theme "Can Third Master help me find some old poria cocos?"
"Poria? Go to the pharmacy and grab a handful of "squeaking sounds in the words of the third master seem to be nagging." Nowadays, the roots of old poria cocos are hard to find fakes, not to mention artificial planting-but then again, why are you looking for poria cocos? "
"yes! Third master, I won’t talk nonsense. Anyway, I’m anxious for you to find a way to connect me. I’ll take care of it at your disposal when I arrive in about an hour. "
Three yes words pei a "don’t! You don’t think I’m a deployment center, do you? To tell you the truth, I really can’t find it … ""Help me! I’m in a bad mood, and naturally I don’t want to listen to what he said. I just threw out my card. "Town three resin worms-if you don’t find that other person’s life for me, you’ll lose cause and effect, but you’re from ruin.
"Save people?" Three yes sound a serious "that … so I try to help you find! But don’t throw the Hope Department at me somewhere else. Can you ask? "
"It’s true that the third master means that I don’t know what he wants me to call Shijing Temple and Emei, and see if there is any work there. What’s more, the Wangs and Master Xie may be prepared not to put so much pressure on him-that’s waking me up, so the sidecar changed the words.
As a result … no one has poria cocos. Even if there is, it has already been used as medicine.
I don’t know what happened to the third master.
With this in mind, I went outside the bar and pushed the door. I saw that the third master was sitting in the middle of the chair, surrounded by several red cloths. I was so happy that I quickly grabbed it in a few steps and grabbed it. "Poria?"
Third Master nodded slightly. "Look at the color-this is the best poria cocos I can find around Chengdu. It’s definitely long enough, but the price …"
When I hit this package, I saw that the skin of Poria cocos was intact and the golden yellow lines and veins were faintly visible. It was really a good thing, but the words from the third master behind made me feel awkward-I forgot the price of this product!
My heart and face can’t be exactly the same. I was still indifferent when I spoke. "Price? How much? "

"oh! Really? " Qin Na was surprised that the three of them could distract the sow and opened the attribute bar of the three of them without any harm.

Name Fast Leg (Quick Leg) (Flying Leg)
Racial terran
Belonging to the tribe, the terran, the Shang tribe
Grade foundation, grade 7, merit, 35 bones, 6 ways, 35
Power 1 speed 5
Dexterity 5
The true qi is currently limited to 35.
The primary racial skill "Fast Flying Legs", the martial arts skill cultivated by the mental method, can increase its own speed by 1% when it is launched, and three people (who have high tacit understanding and must master this racial skill) can pose as a "primary three-talent array", which consumes 1 qi per second and cools down for 1 day.
The primary three-talent array can trap the giant "beast" class beast with the racial skill of "flying legs quickly" so that it does not consume the true qi to cool down.
Tough Qin nan couldn’t help but thumb up, and he has already reached the level of 7, and his own patriarch has only reached the level of 8! And look at people’s speed and dexterity are all 5! Qin Na and look at his poor attribute people more popular than dead!
Moreover, the three of them know how to array this advanced thing. Although it is a junior three-talent array, it is a famous three-talent array! A skinny camel is bigger than a horse! Qin Na looked at the attributes of other ethnic groups and found that they all have their own strengths and hold one or two unique skills! And all the attribute points are higher than Qin Na, not one point two!
Seeing such a strong attribute, Qin Nan is envious and jealous at the same time. It seems that these people are not freeloaders, and the most freeloader may be themselves.
"Well, in that case, the’ three brothers’ will be responsible for distracting the sow! Big mouth picks a few fast people to carry the piglets to others to cover up on the spot! " Qin nan will arrange it soon. This is his first business trip! Don’t screw it up. You can’t even hold your head in front of your people!
"Yes!" As they spoke, they hid in the high bushes, while the eldest brother in the "three brothers with fast legs" picked up a few stones and ran quickly towards the sow. The other two brothers, one to the left and one to the right, seemed to pose as three talents.
Qin Na is also hiding in the bush at this time, waiting for the three of them to distract the wild boar before they can hand it.
Soon, the leading eldest brother’ Kuaitui’ was more than ten meters away from the sow. The sow was still lazily gnawing at a tree root with his head down, and he didn’t realize that Kuaitui was coming. Kuaitui raised his arm several times and let go, throwing the stones in his hand straight at the sow’s other.
The stone is right in the middle of the sow’s left eye. The sow is covered with thick fat. Only the eye is the most vulnerable place. This stone thrown by the fast leg force hits the left eye and immediately screams "Ow"! I looked up and saw that I was having fun on the side, and my legs were more angry! Turned a sharp fangs and reflected dazzling light in the sun!
"ouch! Hey! " A roar, tons of wild boar, full of anger, ran to the fast leg, and the fast leg started to run when the situation showed! As fast as a wild boar! Although the size is so big, Qin Na can see clearly that the speed of wild boar is really not built. If it is Qin Na, it is estimated that it would have been hung in the sow’s arrogance.
See big wild boar has been led away by fast legs Qin Na made a sign for big mouth to start action, and big mouth took more than a dozen speeds, and all three people ran to the wild boar’s nest to hold the piglets.
And the fast legs are running after the wild boar, but they haven’t made the skills because they are not yet skilled. "Ow! Hey! " The roar of the wild boar in the air is definitely more than decibels. Seeing that the original brown-red skin of the wild boar suddenly turned golden yellow, it is obviously beginning to be crazy!
After the madness, the sow’s speed increased by a big margin, and then she caught the fast leg. According to experience, the fast leg made the racial skill "fast flying leg" just before being driven by the wild boar, and the speed also increased by 1%, avoiding the fangs of the wild boar, but still after the speed was not crazy.
"ouch! Hey! " With the roar, the wild boar chased her again, and she was about to pick up her fast legs with her cold fangs. When the fast legs were far away, the left and right legs and the flying legs shouted at the same time, "Three talents are open!"
Just as Sancai Array was unfolding, Qin Nan remembered that she had another clan leader skill "Courageous in Group", which could strengthen her own people and make all the attributes increase by 1%. After ten minutes, the horse displayed the "Courageous in Group". The speed of wild boar was slowed down because of Sancai Array’s skill "Courageous in Group", and the three brothers’ attribute points were greatly increased, which made the power of Sancai Array increased. The effect of Sancai Array also showed that wild boar had been spinning in the array stupidly.
The effect of Sancai array is good, but it can last for 35 seconds. When the effect of Sancai array is just beginning, a bunch of people led by Dazui also return safely with four piglets.
Before the wild boar came to his senses, the "fast-legged three brothers" in the Qin Dynasty called out "the wind is tight! Hoo! " And led a bunch of people with four piglets to go home!
Soon, the three brothers returned safely. This action can be described as a real victory! Looking at the fine-boned piglet around him, Qin Nan is boasting of his rich leadership skills, but he hears big eyes to report.
"Report the heads of the fathers! There is a herd of wild boar running towards us ahead! It is estimated that the sow has just been recruited to feed the wild boar group outside! What should I do? "
The fifth chapter hoses beast
"quick! Everybody hide nearby! Big mouth told them to look after the piglets and not to make a sound! " Hearing the big eye report, Qin Na hurriedly ordered to go. It’s a group of wild boars. Just one head makes people unbearable. If they attack together, they have to hang up neatly!
All the people also know that this wild boar is badly hiding in the bushes, even breathing carefully, for fear that it will be discovered by the wild boar group, and a cloud of smoke will make a bunch of people choke! Qin Na also felt extremely sad, but she still held back until the wild boar went away.
"heads! Let’s hurry back to the tribe! Otherwise, the wild boar will chase back later! " Dayan suggested
"good! Everybody lift the piglets! Let’s retreat quickly! " At this time, it has been more than an hour since the second time to make the skill "Courageous in Group". When the skill cooled down, it passed through Qinnan, and the speed of the "Courageous in Group" people immediately rose by 1% and hurried back.
By the time we got back to the village, the women who went out to pick fruits had also come back, and they still brought many kinds of fruits that Qin Nan had never seen before. Qin Nan randomly picked up a fruit that looked like a green apple and checked its properties.
Small olive ordinary fruit can slow down hunger and replenish energy. It is rich in vitamin C and carotene, and the top half catty of grain is added.
Take a bite of the little olive. Qinnan feels great. Sweet, fragrant and smooth! So this fruit is really good! Seeing the last sentence of the small olive attribute is "attribute addition", Qin Nan immediately thought of the most famous fruit that can be added in Honghuang. It is said that if you want to hear it, you can live for a few more years! Everyone said that the wild is full of treasures, and Qin Nan thought that he was going to lead his people to look for them.
I can’t help it. It seems that the big mouth is a big broadcast besides being good at eating! Qin Na is very nai in his heart!
"Good patriarch!" "Good patriarch!" Along the way, people who are eating raw meat can’t stop saying hello when they see Qinnan. It seems that primitive human ideological and moral education is still very good!
"good! Ok! Ok! Hello everyone! " Qin Na feels how she looks like the scene when she always remembers her hometown greetings!
After several turns, a sea of blood came into Qin nan’s eyes. Oh, my God! What’s the matter? It’s funny and disgusting that the blood of those three piglets has been dyed red for dozens of square meters, and it’s funny to watch the piglets and the people who distribute pork here being dyed with blood! However, Qin Na was surprised to find that this bright red pig blood actually has attributes.
The second-order material of fresh water dragon’s blood can replenish qi and nourish deficiency, and can be refined into medicinal materials. It can also be directly applied to injured skin to accelerate healing, and the skin will be strengthened to a certain extent after long-term application of this material.
What? "Water dragon beast"? As soon as you hear this name, you know it must be a drag. Have these primitive humans ever captured such a high-level beast? No! Seeing the word "fresh", Qin Nan ruled out that this blood was the blood of animals captured by the people before. Is it really the blood of those pigs? There is no reason! That’s a wild boar, but it’s not a "water dragon beast"! But there is no other possibility except those pigs!
In order to prove his idea, Qin Nan immediately checked the attributes of the remaining piglet! Ha ha! as expected
The water dragon beast looks like a pig, often nests on cliffs and lives in groups. Good water can dig holes and hibernate.

"Well, since you don’t believe what I said, let’s prove what I said with practical actions. I can arrange a competition within the youth team, and then let Golka accept the test of actual combat … "

Without saying a word, he was interrupted contemptuously by Moscow: "Golka has played the Youth League for getafe Youth Team for two seasons. He has already experienced the test of actual combat. Otherwise, do you think that his’ genius’ title was casually deducted from him? "
"No, it’s not a youth team game. He is required by the standards of an adult professional team. Anyway, he is going to enter the first team sooner or later, isn’t he? " Ever-victorious looked at Vicente and wouldn’t budge. "I test with the strength of the youth team players and the standards of the first team. His strength is indeed higher than that of the youth team players, but this is only in the context of the youth team competition. The youth team competition and the first team competition are completely different standards. I think you have no objection to this, Mr. Manager? "
Moscow shook his head again: "No, I’ve seen competitions within the youth team …"
Changsheng cursed the damn bastard in his heart, and then changed his way: "Well, let’s put Golka in the first team. How about he and the first team play a game with my youth team?"
Moscow was about to habitually shake his head to veto, but he froze.
Not only he, but also Flores, who has been watching the play beside him, froze.
Take the youth team to the first team? Is he crazy?
"I don’t mean to let my team beat the first team, but I will show you Golka’s weakness in the game. Since I can freeze Golka with the youth team, I think it will be easier for the first teams of other teams?" Changsheng added.
Vicente Moscosdo didn’t expect Changsheng to make such a decision.
"What if you fail?" He asked.
"I resign." Changsheng said firmly and lightly, as if it were no big deal at all.
Flores looks at winning. Because he personally interviewed the man, he knew what efforts he had made to get the job.
Now, for one person, he gambled on the opportunity he finally got.
He has some willing to believe what Chang Sheng said about the analysis of a Golka.
At this time, Moscow slapped more: "Good! It’s a deal! "
He even couldn’t wait to surpass his immediate boss and make a decision.
Flores frowned, but in the end he didn’t object.
He is happy with this special game, not because of Golka. He is not interested in Golka’s ability now, and he believes in winning analysis. He’d like to see the winning coaching level through this game.
Is a young man who can confidently say in front of him that "talent has nothing to do with age" really powerful or an arrogant liar?
He’s curious.
In his mind, this matter is no longer a test of Golka, and the theme has become a test of the level of winning. He wanted to see if his eyes were so … accurate.
He vaguely hoped that Changsheng would not let him down.
Vicente Moscow doesn’t know what his boss thinks. He can’t wait to make it happen, but he has a worry: "Words are unfounded."
Changsheng is too lazy to sign any paper agreement with him.
He said, "I won’t default. Moreover, Mr. Chairman is the witness. If I default, you can fire me directly! "
Moscow looks at Flores.
He just remembered that he had not asked the boss’s permission before agreeing to it just now.
But the boss’s response relieved him.
"Yes, I’ll be a witness. If we often beat Golka, it will prove that Golka is just a hollow reputation, and it is not worth wasting our time on him. If he fails, he will resign. No one is allowed to go back on our word. "
Flores stood up and looked at the two men very seriously.
Chapter 20 Proud
On the morning of the youth team training, the assistant coach of the first team came to the youth team training ground and took Golka away.
At that time, there were many reporters and fans outside the training ground. They all came to support and support Golka. Because of the conflict between Changsheng and Golka, the youth team training base suddenly became the busiest area in the Las Margarita training base.
When they saw the assistant coach of the first team come to take Golka away, the fans gave a cheer.
They know exactly what this action means.
It means that Golka went directly to the first team, so he doesn’t have to hang out in the youth team anymore.
They have been looking forward to this day since two seasons ago, but it has finally come true!
So many fans on the sidelines simply ridiculed the constant victory, saying that they should thank the China man, because if it weren’t for him, Golka might have to wait until he turned 18 to have the opportunity to represent the first team in the Western League.
The camera flash in the hands of reporters is flashing.
This scene made angulo and Seguro worry about winning. Even if the president of the club didn’t ask him to pack up his backpack and get out of here at once, how long can he last under such great pressure? Besides, it’s obvious what this practice of the first team means-Golka was transferred to the first team, definitely not ousted, but promoted. Isn’t it clear who the club is on this time?
Therefore, in their view, Chang Sheng may not have to wait too long, and he will be dismissed from the club without pressure from these fans and the media …
The reason why he was not let go at once may be because the necessary personnel procedures have not been completed.
It is undoubtedly a glorious thing for so many people to witness their going to the first team.
When Golka saw this, he decided that he was sure of winning.
So when he left, he held his head high and didn’t say hello to anyone in the youth team, even his usual "friends". He hated that these people didn’t come out to help him when he had a conflict with Changsheng. Since then, he has not regarded these former "friends" as friends, but has drawn them together with other youth team players.
He should draw a clear line with the youth team-from today on, I will be a first-team player! I’m going to be a professional player, and you losers are struggling slowly in the youth team!
With a smug smile on his face, he waved and nodded to the fans and media who supported him outside the stadium.
A reporter praised: "God! He is really born to be a big star! "
His admiration was immediately attached and recognized by the people around him.
"It’s really a genius of getafe once in ten years!"
"Our future hopes are all on him!"
"Golka, you have to come on! We will always support you! "
Golka left triumphantly, leaving a group of youth team players who envied and hated him.
With Golka’s departure, the outside of the youth team training ground was suddenly quiet, and fans and journalists all followed Golka to the first team. Celebrities are the focus wherever they go. Obviously, Golka is such a star.