Lin Luo has been to some primitive forests in his previous life, but none can compare with this dark cloud forest, because the forest here is too lush and too big, and the plants on the earth can’t compare with it here.

Even after several monks’ explorations, it’s still like an undeveloped jungle, but when you look back at your steps, it’s fleeting. Fortunately, there are a few slopes to climb in the rotten leaves, otherwise you will get lost. But in the depths of the dark clouds forest, it’s almost a Ma Pingchuan that will be restricted unless you build a foundation, because that brother can fly against the air and won’t get lost.
Everything seems to have adapted to the environment here, and it doesn’t make an occasional snapping sound. It’s that birds are panicked by snakes. It seems that every animal here has spirituality. Lin Luo feels that he is stared at by several pairs of eyes in the jungle.
After walking for a long time, Lin Luo still hasn’t found the monster beast, so this should belong to the outer edge of Wuyun Forest, where the monster beast has been slaughtered clean.
Broken sword laments a pair of Lin Luodao: "If it’s not just about hunting monsters, this dark cloud forest is also the best place to practice. The jungle is filled with fresh aura. This is a natural oxygen bar. The life and strength of plants and animals here are far beyond other places."
Lin Luo suddenly became interested when he heard this. "Old Yun, do you know if there is any spiritual pulse here? If there is a spiritual pulse bigger than the abode of fairies and immortals, I will practice here!"
Yunxiao grunted, "You Yunfu Mountain is a Lingshan. There are spiritual veins everywhere. The aura here is kept by the jungle for years. This jungle is the aura place, but it is not as pure and easy to absorb as the spiritual spring in the abode of fairies and immortals. Generally, mighty people will choose this place to practice because they can control the powerful spiritual force and wave their hands to borrow the aura from this land."
Lin Luo nodded and added, "Old Cloud, are there many monsters here? We haven’t found one after walking for so long. "
Fortunately, there is a broken sword to chat with Lin Luo, otherwise it is really difficult for him to adapt to such a lonely environment, so Lin Luo has a team, that is, Yunxiao and him, and this teammate is not a pig but a knowledgeable person.
Yunxiao paused for a long time before slowly saying, "I don’t know, but according to what you said, there are monsters outside Wuyun Forest and it attacked your friend Xu Douluo. I want to tell you that there are more monsters here than there are 3,000 years ago, there were almost no monsters around Wuyun Forest, and occasionally one of them came here by mistake. At that time, the obstacle was not set up in Wuyun Forest. I mean, this Wuyun Forest became very unusual!"
Lin Luo was about to speak when suddenly the sky said, "Lin Luo, get out of here!"
The words in the sky were extremely urgent, and Lin Luo was alert and dodged to see a green light passing by his side. Lin Luo saw the green light with a clot of eyes.
Chapter 35 kill the wolf
"It’s the wind blade wolf!" Yunxiao sound Lin Luo sounded in my mind.
Lin Luo snorted, "I know that I know all about the monster beast that may appear in this dark cloud forest!" Lin Luo looked at the wolf with a wry smile in front of him, and his luck was too good.
Yes, indeed, Lin Luo is lucky. Today, there are about ten teams coming to Wuyun Forest to hunt monsters. Although it is not very close, Lin Luo met this wind blade wolf. Perhaps the wind blade wolf bullied Lin Luo and thought bitterly.
Once the word "or" appears, the potential of this monster beast is not so good, because he will die, that is, the latter level generally stays at the former level. Obviously, this size is not big, and the wind blade wolf is a first-level monster beast, which is not difficult for Lin Luo, but it will not be easy because of the speed of the wind blade wolf.
Wind blade wolf all the wind is named because it is extremely fast and can follow the wind. Compared with other wind blade wolves, one feature of the wind blade wolf is that its tail is as sharp as a knife, especially its curved curvature and hardness really deserve the word blade.
The wind blade wolf staggered his teeth and stared at the green eyes. Lin Luoshi’s mouth overflowed with a glimmer of crystal water. The monk opposite was a gas refining monk. The wind blade wolf was absolutely sure that he could kill this monk. His legs were slightly bent and his sharp claws penetrated the rotten leaves.
When Lin Luo was secretly on guard, the wind blade wolf flew like a green light, and it went straight to Lin Luo’s chest like a shuttle, moving so fast that it didn’t even roar. This really won.
Lin Luo dodged in a hurry, but then there was a chill in his heart. It turned out that the wind blade wolf’s tail followed the body and swept in. The tail was like a knife. Lin Luo had no doubt that his own limbs could be protected by this tail sweep, but Lin Luo didn’t panic for many years. Great nerves have created his calm spirit. Lin Luo will break the sword and cross his chest to block the wind blade wolf’s tail.
The wind blade wolf fell to the ground with a miserable cry. A pair of spiritual eyes looked at his tail, and his eyes were full of flames. Just now, the wind blade wolf’s tail was broken, and half of it was even pulled, but its momentum soared again.
Lin Luo broke the sword and communicated with the sky.
"Old cloud, you are so hard, I am still vulnerable to you! Unexpectedly, the wind blade and the wolf’s tail resisted! So you are not a waste! "
Yunxiao swore, "You underestimate me. When I was refined in those years, the whole Xuanwu country ranked among the top ten magic weapons, but it took only two thousand years for the iron to be cast and my spirit to fall asleep. If you have a spirit, it will not decay for ten thousand years. Even so, my sword body is still comparable to the three-spirit sword. If it is nourished by my spirit, it is still possible to rise to the six-spirit sword again."
Lin Luo opened his eyes wide. It turned out that the broken sword in his hand was not just a broken sword, but a three-spirit sword. When Lin Luo was surprised, he heard the wind blade wolf roar again and leap over again.
Lin Luo took a sword in his hand, the momentum rose sharply, and he drank heavily. At this time, the wind blade wolf seemed to be angry and silly, and he didn’t dodge straight towards himself. Even the sword in his hand didn’t matter to Lin Luo. Suddenly, his eyes glanced at the wind blade wolf’s eyes and his eyes showed sly eyes. Suddenly, Lin Luo was alert and remembered what Xu Douluo had said to him. He quickly withdrew his sword and kicked the giant tree to one side. Indeed, Lin Luo evacuated kung fu. The wind blade wolf suddenly seemed to be two phantoms. Fortunately, Lin Luo was ready to attack the wind blade wolf
Lin Luo surprised out in a cold sweat. This trick is the wind blade wolf’s famous stunt. When the speed is fast enough, there will be a phantom. However, according to the monster beast’s body and spiritual strength, the two are already the extreme wind blade wolves. It is said that the wind blade wolf king can weather three phantoms.
The wind blade wolf can’t strike and roar again and again, ready for an attack
Lin Luo’s face is dignified. This evasion just now is the result of his own experience. If he hadn’t used his quick wits just now, his body would have been hit hard by the wind blade wolf. This shows that experience is very important. No wonder it is said that it is Wan Li or Yunxiao.
This wind blade wolf skin is too thick and fast. It seems to be a charm! Lin Luo used his head.
A piercing roar of the wind blade Wolf once again rushed to this time, but Lin Luo didn’t dodge. Two spirits flashed in his hand, but he didn’t dodge. Although he sensed that the charm was not weak, the spirit force was not weak, but it didn’t cause the wind blade Wolf to be alert. Then the wind blade Wolf’s eyes widened and there was a panic expression. See that the charm instantly turned into a fire blade. At this time, the wind blade Wolf couldn’t dodge to meet his head.
The blade of fire is transformed into a blade of fire, and it breaks into a little bit of fire. The wolf with the blade of wind takes a few steps with a roar, falls to the ground, twitches a few times and stops moving.
Lin Luo exultation oneself just a fire blade operator will extinguish this level monster beast wind blade Wolf is beyond his expectation to have some hands and feet.
Lin Luo broke the sword and cut the wolf’s tail to the wind blade wolf. The most valuable thing about the wind blade wolf is that the root of the third-level monster beast of this tail did not form a demon. Dan can intercept the body parts of the wind blade wolf and sell them at a high price.
Lin Luo holds the wolf’s tail and can’t help but sigh that the broken sword belongs to the three-spirit sword, but the wolf’s tail is split outside the vertebra. He is not damaged. No wonder many shops buy this wolf’s tail as a spirit whip. This wolf’s tail is quite hard, but it’s a little difficult to make it up. Few people in ten weapons make the whip less expensive, otherwise this wolf’s tail can be worth five pieces of spirit stones, which has surpassed the price of many first-class monster beasts.
Put the wolf’s tail in the bag. Lin Luo continued on his way. Although he was lucky enough to win this time, he mainly relied on the charm. If there was no charm, Lin Luo’s realistic force method alone defeated the wind blade wolf, which made Lin Luo have a further understanding of the power of the charm.
Lin Luo moved on, but this time he was much more cautious. He lurked for a long time before leaving to hide his breath. This is what Lin Luo needs to learn. Although he hid himself just now, he was first discovered. According to Yunxiao, this should be the reason why his breath was missed. What is breath? How to hide it is to practice it in his own environment. This is also called experience.
"Wrong!" Yunxiao shouted, "No, it’s not hiding your head and ass, even if it’s hiding, it’s really hiding your breath, and hiding your body is the lowest hiding method!" "
Lin Luo blushed and squatted on her hips and suddenly said, "Would it be better if I were invisible?"
Yunxiao Road: "Invisibility symbols can only be truly invisible if they are not overhauled. It is very different to repair them, but you can find your invisibility by missing breath. But if you can learn to restrain your breath, it will be different. Even if you are three stories taller than you, you can be detected. This is the so-called hidden breath."
"But how can I not be found if I hide?" Lin Luo is confused. The more he practices, the more he feels abstruse. No wonder the monk’s road to practice is so difficult.
Yunxiao Hehe smiled. "Speaking of this, I am very familiar with this floating cloud. I have written a book called" Hiding ".I wanted to teach you after you built the foundation, but since you remember this, I will tell you."
"Oh?" Lin Luo immediately to the interest way "this Yunfu sutra depository? I must see it when I have the chance. "
Yunxiao said, "This is the Sutra Pavilion, but you can’t understand it yourself. It’s very abstruse and limited. Only elders and monks can read it, even if they read it, they can’t understand it." Yunxiao’s mouth is full of ridicule.
"Because the clouds often talked to me about this kind of knowledge when they were floating, some of the esoteric and difficult stories in" Hiding Techniques "are all white, which means I can explain them to you directly in more common language." At this time, Yunxiao has become a Kan Kan and a master of talking. "First of all, hiding your breath is to hide yourself, such as hiding and repairing, that is, to converge your aura. Spiritual power will be inadvertently emitted as you walk, especially when you attack and defend. If you can converge your aura, it will be greatly reduced. The second chance of discovery is to blend in with the environment. Every environment has a specific smell. For example, most of the forests have wood properties, and most of the oceans have water properties. Craters have fire properties, and so on. And every environmental smell is very different. If you can blend in with the environment and then converge on your own breath, you can reach the highest level of invisibility requirements, that is, entering the world without yourself. "
Chapter 36 Lin Luo nu
To tell the truth, Lin Luo seems to have returned to the philosophy class in the past life. What entered the world without himself and what integrated into the environment seems to be far away from him. However, Lin Luo thinks that the world he is in has surpassed his imagination, but there are also strange remarks in the world.
Yunxiao Road: "I’ll tell you a formula. You should practice convergence first. Breath overflows because pneumatic and pneumatic are in harmony with the spirit and stagnate in the purple sea. These formulas are convergence of your own breath. You can understand these words. If the difference is less than two grades, you can hide in the environment and wait until you have your own domain."
Lin Luo silently remembered Yunxiao’s formula and then listened to Yunxiao’s explanation. Sure enough, he felt different. The most obvious difference is that some insects seem to feel equal to them when they see themselves.
Lin Luo’s progress has surprised the sky again. This short wick of incense kung fu has surpassed others’ training for several months. Do you want to go to the sky or attribute the credit to Lin Luo’s strong spirit like a scribbler? I also joked that Lin Luo’s spirit is too strong to belong to this world. This makes Lin Luo feel that he is from another world. Is his spirit really different from ordinary people?
I don’t know whether it was because I didn’t meet the wind blade wolf or the breath reason that I never met the monster beast all the way. Even the low-level monster beast didn’t see it. Lin Luo was thinking of finding a place to rest in the dark cloud forest or returning to Qianzhangfeng. Suddenly, when Lin Luo was stunned, his spirit and broken sword were interrelated, and he immediately felt a breath. This breath came from the north side. Lin Luo quickly found a hidden place to hide, and his body breath converged. Lin Luo, a shrub weed in the forest, disappeared as soon as he was short.
After a while, four people came furtively on the north side.
"Hey? No, here I just noticed that there is a weak breath here … "A feminine male voice whispered.
Then another stereo started, "Hum, I’m not afraid I can’t find him if I want him to come in the dark cloud forest."
Ambush under the grass Lin Luo heart a shock this voice he is familiar with, but it is crooked neck Zheng Zhou Lin Luo heart sink to breath is not leak want to listen to the dialogue between four people.
"Brother Liu, you feel much more sensitive than us during the foundation period, and according to the route, the surname Lin can walk here, but could it be a monster?" A person slowly way
Brother Liu, a feminine man, said, "It’s possible. Let’s keep looking for this Lin, don’t you think, Brother Zheng?"
Zheng Zhou cold hum a "of course, the dark clouds forest is the best chance. Lin died here in vain. Even if his body is found, it will be killed by the monster beast. What’s worse, his body will never know where it will be taken by the wind blade wolf or his monster beast. Haha …"
"Ha ha ha ….." More than three people also burst out laughing.
Brother Liu added, "Master didn’t really tell us that he would kill Lin Luo if he knew …" Brother Liu hesitated. After all, this is killing people. According to the rules, it is the death penalty in the year.
Zheng Zhou hey hey a crafty smile way "my uncle mean how can you guess! Of course, he won’t say that it’s up to us to figure it out. At the beginning, Lin Luo repeatedly spoke insolently to my uncle, who had long been dissatisfied with him. He didn’t have a chance to get rid of him. Just that Xu Douluo was my uncle’s instigation, and Zhou Wencai, the elder of the East Palace, sent Xu Douluo to Wuyungu for a month, and then he lost an arm. However, the puppy was lucky enough to break through into a foundation period, which was also a cripple. This time, my uncle once said that if we met Lin, you’re welcome ..
"Oh?" Brother Liu, a feminine man, said with surprise, "Has Master been to this?"
Zheng Zhou said, "Of course, if Brother Liu makes a contribution to this matter, hey hey, it will definitely be favored by my uncle. It is not impossible to get a good position and get spiritual guidance."
Brother Liu became firm when he heard the words. "Brother Zheng, how can we be apprentices? Besides, Brother Zheng has been wronged. How can I stand by and rest assured that Brother Zheng will see how your brother deals with him when we find the surname Lin?"
Lin Luo couldn’t help but despise this brother Liu, who is also an apple polisher. With master’s acquiescence, Lin Luo is naturally willing to take this job. However, it is a chill and instant flow, and he turns around and kills his classmates. This shows how far Yunfu Zong has fallen!
Zheng Zhou went on to say, "Good Brother Liu is loyal to Uncle Liu, and I will definitely report it to Uncle Liu. Let’s go. It is estimated that Linluo is not far away, so there are not many opportunities around here, especially the chance of being alone!"
The footsteps of the four people gradually faded away, and soon they could not hear the ring and fell into silence around them.
But Lin Luo, who was hiding in the grass, didn’t dare to make any noise. Brother Liu was very tall and seemed to have a domain, which made Lin Luo have to be careful.
The so-called domain can only have the singular perception ability in the foundation period, or is it naturally derived from the increase of the absorption ability of reiki liquid in the purple sea to balance the environmental ability? The domain is the primary performance domain, and there are two differences between the domain and the domain. One domain can not control the surrounding environment, but the second domain can be larger than the domain.