This is only an estimate of the number of enemy casualties, because it is difficult to count enemy casualties on the battlefield, so it is much more accurate to say that the number of casualties in the third town itself is probably the same.

Fang Biyong continued, "Our army has been fighting for more than a month since it entered the country. At present, a total of 220 people have been killed and 170 injured!"
Zhao Dongyun listened to this casualty figure and secretly estimated the casualty contrast in his heart. He felt that this data was relatively objective, and the sixth town across the street relied on fortifications for defense, but his casualty rate was still smaller than that of the other party. This means that the troops did not attack blindly at the grassroots level, but gave full play to tactics such as mortars and circuitous maneuvers.
Of course, this is also related to the low casualty rate of Beiyang troops. Although the sixth town only lost more than 1,000 casualties, it retreated, but the total number of people in the sixth town was only 12,300. Even if some temporary recruits were strengthened, the number of soldiers would not exceed 15,000. Now the casualty ratio has exceeded 10%.
And this casualty ratio is quite good for an army that relies on personal loyalty and reimbursement to maintain modernization!
Chapter two hundred and one Drastic changes
The contemporary Beiyang Army, whether it is a few towns in Yunshou, Zhao Dong or other people’s troops, is almost loyal to the modernization of military leaders. The feudal army is armed with the beliefs of countries and nations in western powers, and the modernization of the national army is on a par with France.
This gap can not be changed by Zhao Dongyun personally, but is the limitation of contemporary China.
Zhao Dong’s standing army is stronger than other warlords. It’s not a military belief or ideology. What’s stronger is the concept of equipment and tactics.
Even Zhao Dongyun’s troops will not be much better than the sixth town in Wang Shizhen when the casualty rate exceeds 10%.
But Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops cause so many casualties!
This month’s general assault only killed nearly a thousand people, more than 20 thousand people, and the casualty rate is only 5%, which Zhao Dongyun can afford.
"Well casualties troops complement can be smooth? When will it be completed? " Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops fight less and less. At the same time, many conscripts in the rear are also recruiting. Several boot camps are also nervously training new recruits!
PricewaterhouseCoopers "I have urged Jinzhou, but recently a batch of recruits will have to wait two days to arrive!" Most of the former soldiers have been added to two mixed associations! "
Zhao Dongyun listened and frowned. "The speed of recruitment is still far from enough for Wang Zhanyuan to continue to expand the scale of recruitment. It is not only the recruitment of soldiers in Fengtian Province, Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Mongolia, but also the recruitment of soldiers. In addition, we will control the eastern part of Zhili and also show corresponding recruiters!"
It’s a time of war, and the more troops there are, the better. It’s better to say that we can’t afford to keep so many troops. Anyway, the more troops we have now, the better.
However, it is still quite tense at present, because the training of recruits is also needed, even when it is recompressed, it takes less than one month. If this situation is less, Zhao Dongyun can’t expect many recruits to supplement him for a month or two.
If all goes well, the timetable for the expansion of Zhao Dong Yunshou Army will be one month later. At that time, large-scale recruitment of new soldiers will be completed in early October, and then the basic training will be added to various units, which will greatly increase the number of active troops.
Zhao Dongyun was not alone in this military expansion. Since Yuan Shikai’s assassination in early October, almost all the generals in Beiyang have been doing the same thing, that is, the governors in the south have also expanded their troops by accident, but the scale and speed are not as exaggerated as those of Beiyang generals.
For example, Zhao Dongyun has set up two new hybrid associations, but Wang Yingjie also relies on the basis of staying in Tianjin Horse Factory, and then plans to expand a hybrid association called the first hybrid association of Beiyang Standing Army.
Duan Qirui is not to be outdone, but also drafted a standard foundation and then established the so-called Beiyang Standing Army Second Hybrid Association.
Even Wang Shizhen and Feng Guozhang expanded their armies, and Wang Shizhen created a supplementary association for the sixth town. Although Feng Guozhang didn’t get the association number, he made up two new reserve marks for the first town, and then set about establishing the Guards.
However, the expansion of these troops has not yet been formally compiled, and even the paper data is not enough. At present, they can fight or become old troops a few years ago.
However, even relying on the former old army, Zhao Dongyun is confident to enter the capital and then drive Guangxu out of the throne. At present, the smooth progress of Tongzhou, the third town, has already shown this.
However, he didn’t know it was his performance in Tongzhou, the third town, which attracted Wang Yingkai’s attention!
"He Zhao Dong cloud hand soldiers can really fight. It took a long time to fight Tongzhou, but it was a thousand people who took Tongzhou, and there were more casualties in the sixth town than them!" Wang Yingjie frowned.
On the surface, Zhao Dongyun seems to be very beneficial to himself, but it’s not a good thing for Wang Yingjie, because everyone knows that after killing the Qing Dynasty, someone will always be promoted as president, and then Wang Duan and Zhao will have to compete!
"Besides, I heard that his newly compiled fourth mixed association has also arrived in Shanhai. If something happens, I’m afraid this mixed association can enter at any time!" The person next to you said so.
After listening, Wang Yingjie frowned even more!
Although Beiyang Li claims that he has the greatest prestige and has gathered many aides and talents in Yuan Shikai’s era, Beiyang is not a purely political group, but a dependent army, and the number of troops in his hands is a direct manifestation of his strength.
He Wang Yingkai’s hand directly controls the troops, that is, the first town. Although Zhang Huaizhi still maintains some respect for himself, he has left his family, that is, at most, he is a political ally. And now Zhang Huaizhi leads the fifth town and the first town to oppose each other, which has blocked the 29th Hunchengxie Association in the second town of Li Yuanhong.
So Wang Yingkai can’t say what can be to continue to woo Zhang Huaizhi.
However, even if Zhang Huaizhi is added, even if he is added to the newly established Beiyang Standing Army First Hybrid Association, he can only rely on more than 30,000 people in two towns and one association. However, Zhao Dongyun supported the army before the war, and now he has set up a cavalry association and two hybrid associations.
This means that the total strength of the three towns and three associations is at least 50 thousand to 60 thousand
This force is not as tall as Zhao Dongyun’s, but now I hear that Zhao Dongyun’s troops can beat themselves and Duan Qirui took Tongzhou before they failed to conquer Nanyuan, which makes Wang Yingjie even more concerned.
Wang Duan-Zhao alliance is a very fragile alliance from beginning to end. It can be said that Wang Duan-Zhao all know that it is inevitable for three people to fight after killing Manchu in the future. Now it is inevitable that Wang Yingkai is worried about the growth of Zhao Dong Cloud’s strength.
"It seems that the pace of our army expansion is not fast enough. Now it is far from enough to establish a first mixed association. So go to Japanese people again and ask them if ordnance can be cheaper!" Wang Yingkai frowned and then bit his teeth. "Let someone go to the fourth town and tell the surname Duan Hefei that I want to meet and talk with him!"
The situation outside the city is chaotic, and the situation in Jingshi City is also quite bad!
"It’s been playing for almost a month, and the brothers have suffered heavy casualties. Adults can’t keep playing like this, otherwise our sixth town will be wiped out!"
Wang Shizhen is also a face of black lines in the face of complaints from the bottom. He really didn’t expect that the Tongzhou defense line was still good for the first half of the month. Although he dared not say that it was impregnable, he expected that Zhao Dongyun would have to kill three or five thousand people if he wanted to bring it less, but he didn’t expect that Zhao Dongyun had a circuitous attack, which forced him to give up Tongzhou voluntarily, and that the sixth town called him for more than half a month but suffered heavy casualties.
Casualties, captives and disappearances add up to more than 2,500 people lost in his sixth town. This is all his background. If all of them are dead, Wang Shizhen will become a bald commander.
Next to the families continue to cry, "Now the imperial court has set it to benefit us, and the benefits are not counted. Look at the number of casualties in his first town in Feng Guozhang." There weren’t many casualties in their side and the west root, but only a few hundred people were killed or injured, but our sixth town, yes, was Zhao Dongyun going there again! "
Wang Shizhen this time is also a cold hum a "that’s enough! Is it interesting to say these now? "
However, although he reprimanded the Ministry, many thoughts flashed through his mind!
Look at this situation now, it’s a ghost that the capital can hold it, even if the south and west can hold it, but it’s absolutely impossible for the east and north to rely on their own strength of 10 thousand people in a sixth town. It is estimated that they will have to fight for the sixth town, and the biggest possibility is that these departments will have to raise the anti-flag and betray themselves before they can fight for it.
It’s good to get a governor of Zhili if you can stop it. It is estimated that you can reproduce the style of yuangong in a few years.
However, the situation is much more serious than I expected. I can’t continue to fight. I have to find a way to stop fighting. Well, even if it is a truce, I have to get enough benefits to stop fighting!
Thinking of this, he just drove all his generals out, then called a confidant and soldier and whispered, "You will go out of town and go west to the first town tonight!"