It’s a pity that they met Liu Xuan, a guy who is limited to the big tattoo artist.

Even if there is no five-line spirit-breaking tactic, the ban is not difficult for Liu Xuan, but with the five-line spirit-breaking tactic, he will lose interest in cracking this rune, see Liu’s wrist and then gently put the ban on it. With his gesture, the barrier that just emerged gradually disappeared.
Is it true that Liuxuan’s mouth is only a three-combination symbol grain ban to block the door?
He took the deep and remote cold sword in his hand, and the deep and remote cold brought its own illusion to start the whole person, just like disappearing into the air. Of course, this is a visual effect. If you encounter a god who is stronger than Liu Xuan, you can crack it. But is the northern fortress better than Liu Xuan?
But Guo Laogui is also a pity that Guo Laogui is not here, and Guo Laogui didn’t appear. Liu Xuan just walked in so boldly. Of course, he belongs to stealth effect.
Prison is not the same as the outside. Fortunately, Liuxuan has illusion, otherwise it will be found when he enters the door. It is no exaggeration for the prison department to say that it is ten steps, one whistle and five steps.
It’s really a prison here, but most of the cells are Liu Xuan who walked in all the way, but only three or five prisoners were seen, and all of them looked stupid, their eyes were blank, and they couldn’t see the machine, but they were like a fear of walking dead.
Liu Xuan can’t help but wonder if prisoners are so nervous just like three or five idiots.
At this time, a roar came from the depths of the cell, which sounded particularly frightening. It seemed like a painful cry and a roar of a beast. At that time, I couldn’t hear a natural sound, but the horse attracted Liu Xuan’s attention.
At the end of the cell, there are three torture chambers, which are different from ordinary cells. These torture chambers are all stone prisons, but each stone prison door has a window for outsiders to observe.
Liuxuan walked over and saw a picture that he couldn’t imagine.
There was a man in the first room, a man covered in blood, a man who seemed to have been skinned or a man who had been killed in the middle of the year. Liu Xuan was shocked at that time. How could this happen? This man was still bound by his hands and feet, and his wounds were not knife wounds, just like being torn, but judging from his clothes, these injuries were not imposed by outsiders. He looked more like his natural tears.
Liu Xuan was covered in wounds, and it was only from his bare skin that he could see the appearance of his wounds. His blood was almost drained, but he still didn’t die, and he gasped and didn’t know when he would suddenly die.
Liu Xuan secretly bit Kouga. This result is very obvious. Qin people must have been banned this day. Although I don’t know what kind of ban it is, it looks quite a bit like southern Xinjiang method techniques.
The second one looks like a man dressed in prison, but his body is clean and he looks very excited and growls constantly. It seems that Liu Xuan just heard the roar and actually came out of him.
Although the man was handcuffed and shackled, it didn’t affect his actions. He kept pacing back and forth in his cell. He was excited for a while and screamed for a while. When he was excited, he muttered something in his mouth. After a while, he became painful and slammed his head against the stone prison wall.
Liu Xuan shook his head. This man has gone crazy. The result is estimated to be the same as that of several others outside. Now he is finally white. yevgeny will say that dozens of officials have been taken away, but none of them have gone back. These officials who have been taken away are either dead like the first cell or crazy like the second. Liu Xuan doesn’t know if there is a third result, but it seems that Beifan people are not going to let Qin people leave for a day.
Liuxuan couldn’t help wondering why Beifan people would choose officials to test it. I thought this in my heart and went to the third single stone prison involuntarily.
The third single stone prison is not just a person. There are four people in this stone prison. Liu Xuan actually knows two of them. One is naturally the Tianqin official who was taken away during the day today, and the other is the military giant Kaps Jin of Beifan Fortress.
The other two people, one is a mysterious man wrapped in black cloth, and the other is an ordinary Qin man. On that day, when Liu Xuan came to the door of the third stone prison, Qin people seemed to look at Liu Xuan’s position faintly.
So ordinary at a glance, Liu Xuan suddenly turned up a shocking wave in his heart. Liu Xuan’s heart was crazy and shocked not only because of this look, but also because his gods were violently hit. If his concentration was not strong enough, he might have been stared at instantly.
422, shocking conspiracy five
Liu Xuan found that there were four people in the stone prison, besides Kaps Jin and the Tianqin official who was brought in during the day, there was a package of black cloth and a very powerful opponent.
It’s a very, very powerful opponent who shocked Liu Xuan at a glance. Liu Xuan immediately concluded that this must be a pulse-changing strong man. I didn’t expect that the Beifan people were so bold to send troops to attack the northern fortress and even sent more than one pulse-changing strong man at the same time.
It’s a taboo thing to say simply. You know, Tianqin and Fanren Conference semifinals have an agreement, but the top ten Xuanmen don’t intervene in the world struggle, but other countries are not allowed to place troops to repair people’s strength. Although it is said that the parties to this agreement didn’t belong to the allies with Tianqin at that time, this agreement belongs to the whole Tianqin mainland.
I can’t believe that the people in the north are so reckless that the fortress in the north is even more than Guo Lao’s ghost. The strong Liuxuan has seen two pulse steps with his own eyes. I wonder if there is a third one.
Fortunately, Liuxuan kept the truth-seeking tactic at any time when he was moving. If it wasn’t for his truth-seeking tactic, he would have hidden the breath. Now I’m afraid he has been discovered by the other side’s strong pulse order.
When Liu Xuan’s heart was shocked, the mysterious man in the black cloth suddenly burst into a strange laugh. "It has become a god who helps those who help themselves. This has also become so that you have five controlled Qin officials. If it is shipped that day, Qin will do everything possible."
Kaps gold is also hey hey insidious smile counted "it depends on your country. If there is no magic medicine in your country, I’m afraid we have the strength to sweep Tianqin in the north, and there is no way to implement this plan. It’s true that you people in the east are like ghosts, and only you can come up with such a dirty trick."
Liu Xuan’s heart moved. It turns out that this guy is a ghost from the East. Others call this country the North and the East, but it’s actually a completely different name. People in the North like to call them fighting nations or bears from the North. Because there are many people in the North, they like to totem bears or wolves. Even the name of their imperial capital is Xuelang Lake, but there are few such polite names for the East and the East. People in the East like to call them ghosts or ghosts directly.
Among the countries around Tianqin, the northern people’s territory has the greatest strength, but the northern people’s uninhibited personality has always been very good with Tianqin, and the worst with Tianqin is that the eastern people of Qindong are the rarest, and they are also unpopular. A hundred years ago, the multinational war was waged by the eastern people. Although they are a mere island country, their ambitions have always been the smallest and smallest, and they almost succeeded. If it were not for the top ten Xuanmen of Tianqin, I am afraid they would have won a hundred years ago.
However, even though it was driven out of the mainland by Tianqin, the ghost ambition of Dongfan has never been extinguished. It is said that in recent years, due to the weakening influence of the top ten Xuanmen, they have maliciously publicized the negative materials of the top ten Xuanmen of Qin people, and they want to poison the minds of young people in the country, so that they can brand their hatred of Qin at an early age.
Afraid of prestige but unwilling to be grateful means that Dongfan people remember that there was a dispute over a xianrentai island Dongfan people in the former dynasty. The former emperor thought that Tianqin was a big country in China and should have the tolerance of China, so he planned to give xianrentai to Dongfan, but Dongfan people didn’t appreciate it. They thought that they deserved it, not only because they didn’t have Huaide, but also because they were angry. At last, the navy forcibly took back xianrentai at that time. Up to now, xianrentai should be Tianqin Dongfan people’s solution.
"Don’t be wild with fear of power" used to mean that in some small countries around you, you keep giving him favors in the hope of achieving your goals. This is not possible. You have to give him favors to let him know that you are good. In addition, Dongfang people are characterized by ingratitude. He can’t remember how much kindness you have given him, but once you offend him for something, he won’t forget how little it is.
They will be honest only when they have absolute strength. If the top ten Xuanmen are in power or participate in the secular struggle in Tianqin, the ghosts in the Middle East are broken and dare not be so rampant. But it is because Xuanmen pays attention to cultivating the mind and getting rid of dust that they finally understand their own failure in the past. If Tianqin destroys the country and the people are displaced and hungry, Xuanmen forces will easily not intervene in the secular struggle.
The parcel black cloth east fan mocked Kaps gold but didn’t mean that he was ridiculous. "The experiment is still too little, and I’m still too low. The vice is too big. If it’s a master’s hand, the success of the Xuan can be 10% higher, or if it’s a master’s hand, the success of the Xuan can reach 40%. But it can be done for the time being. Let’s take a look at the functions of the last few days. I believe these people can try it. If we get Silla and Xiang Wang to help us control the day, it can be achieved."
Liu Xuan has understood the dialogue between Kaps Jin and Dongfan Ghost. It seems that Dongfan Ghost found that it was impossible to invade Tianqin by its own national strength alone, and some new officials were catalyzed by him in a special way. They meant to hold these officials hostage, and they planned to hold the new king hostage to make the princes. In this way, although the sky is still Qin, it is actually controlled by Dongfan and Beifan people, and they can gradually devour March, cede territory for half a year, pay compensation and finally swallow Tianqin.
When thinking about their plan, Liu Xuan couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat. This trick is simply vicious. For example, if several major forces he visited really got Qi Xin’s words, Qin was really in danger that day.
Liu Xuan more think more afraid also dare not listen to, for fear of being discovered by the famous pulse order strong hundreds of soldiers encirclement and suppression, even myself, I’m afraid there is absolutely no survival, so he must first report back to his legacy.
423, shocking conspiracy six
Liu Xuan, the catalytic person, couldn’t help but think of the five thousand troops who were catalyzed by the power of the small report. They were also catalyzed by drugs. Hu brushed their hands and catalyzed guanyu. These people turned out to be drugs. If you think about it, I’m afraid not. Are these all the ghosts of Dongfan people?
If that’s the case, Dongfan people have played a big game of chess. You should know that Wang Xiang, Han Mo and even all the anti-Qin forces were supported by Dongfan people this day, and it seems that it’s not just Dongfan country because he heard what the Dongfan ghost said.
Liu Xuan can feel that the ghost body is similar to the fluctuation of spiritual practice. Then the so-called head grandmaster in his mouth is naturally the Xuanmen power. But what kind of Xuanmen power will have such a strong ability to support so many forces at the same time? Don’t say that it is not just the Hyderabad religion and the remnants of the previous dynasty. If you count him again, he has just arrived in Silla and King Xiang, and now Liu Xuan in the north is already afraid to imagine.
When he retired from prison, Liu Xuan felt that he was being stared at. This feeling was that when he was a child, he was like being stared at by a wild animal. You knew he couldn’t find it.
Liuxuan is a little flustered. Just now, the situation in the prison is that it’s a big conspiracy. If the other party finds out, I’m afraid it’s a hundred thousand soldiers, and I won’t let myself leave. But now it seems that everything is fine. It seems that this pulse order is feeling wrong, but I still can’t determine my identity. If he breaks my identity, it’s really bad.
Thought of here LiuXuan don’t hesitate to fly sword deep and remote cold directly throw up the fly sword head and don’t fly back to the south.
The fortress in the north is forbidden, but now it is not wartime, and secondly it consumes a lot of money. No one can always keep the forbidden place. Generally, when there is no war, the forbidden place is closed, which gives Liu Xuan a chance to get away. It is strange to see a light blue shadow flying in the direction of Tianqin.
Liu Xuan’s flying sword on this side didn’t react until he followed the pulse order. During the flight, Liu Xuan felt a slight shock and an overwhelming pressure from the side. He hurriedly added his head and saw that there was a red and white Changhong following his own speed.
This LiuXuan would have expected the pulse order. How could the strong not have their own magic weapon? The other side’s flying sword must be far away. If it is a powerful pulse order, I’m afraid the flying sword has surpassed the boundary of Lingbao and may have reached the multiplier point. If it is true, it is estimated that it will be chased by the other side within a hundred miles.
Liu Xuan, also known as an artist, is bold. He is not afraid of finding and being chased by the pulse order. He is most afraid of being found by the northern fortress military, but from the current situation, the other party has not informed the northern military.
So LiuXuan relieved that if it weren’t for the marginal sea tactics, even if the strength of the other side is strong, he is not without a fighting force. Even if he can’t beat it, he can always run away. Don’t say that he is pregnant with longevity. It is estimated that he can also hide away.
At first, the northern fortress was the first male in the sky. At first, the ground still felt tall. It was not until Liu Xuan flew that he really felt the grandeur of the northern fortress. The first male on this day was really not white. Don’t say that it spanned nearly a hundred miles from left to right, plus the thickness of more than a dozen miles. Counting the battlements, a single northern fortress covers an area of several hundred miles. Fiona Fang is really as people often say that this fortress is like an iron lock, which has blocked the passage of Tianqin Beifan.